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Harry would be hers. Of this, Dracia was certain. She had to suffer of course her own share of dirty looks and horny stares from the other students, but that was the price that came with beauty and status. She primped her hair a bit, making sure every last detail of her face was perfectly plucked, accented and prepared. Thank god for magic makeup applicators, she just didn’t have the muscle memory for some reason. Finally she saw him walking towards her alcove, still far off, but she’d recognize that gait anywhere. She chastised herself for being so affected, her heart rate quickening and a blush so strong that she could feel the heat pooling in her cheeks. In the few minutes it took Harry to reach the side hallway she was waiting in, Dracia had regained some level of self control, snaking a hand around his passing collar before dragging him forcefully behind the next corner, out of sight from the student populace of Hogwarts.

“Did you really think I’d…” Harry was coughing, her collar pull had made the strings that kept it wrapped in the front deadly and he needed a second to recover from the throttling his windpipe had suffered. She found herself reaching out tenderly to ask if he was okay, but stopped before she made a complete fool out of herself. She knew how to seduce a man and she couldn’t show her true feelings just because of that pained look on his stupid, sexy face. She prayed her foundation would cover up the blush she knew had sprouted. She continued with her plan after clearing her throat.
“Did you really think I’d just let you pass me by without repercussions? You really are a fool.”

Harry was mostly confused by the girl who had just dragged him down a corridor. It seemed like she knew him and everything about her screamed Slytherin, but he did have to admit she was absurdly attractive, yet oddly familiar in a way he couldn’t quite place. He had to keep a concerted mental effort not to stare at her large- Christ he thought the school uniforms weren’t allowed to reveal so much. Dracia could see his attention was split and took advantage of it.
“Ah. I can see where your interest lays Potter, though I can’t begrudge a man for having such high quality taste. Even a peasant can appreciate a sumptuous feast when brought before them. And I’m sure you’ve been quite starved amongst those Gryffindor wretches, all skin and bones with nothing to flaunt. I can tell by your trousers that you wouldn’t disagree with me.”

He covered the lump in his trousers as scarlet colored his cheeks. She had the pace set and she could see he was right where she wanted him to be. Confused and aroused.
“Blimey! I-I mean I’m uh…”
“Shhh!” She shushed him, using her next few sentences to close the distance between them, sauntering over tactically until the smell of Quidditch Fields and Broom varnish hit her nostrils. She had considered placing her fingers on his lips, but that would give the game away too soon.
“You look so flustered now Harry. Where’s that charisma, that spunk you usually show? Don’t you have some clever comeback to the girl who insulted your house? You’ve never been lost for words before. I’d expect this from Weasley, but not you Harry.”
“H-Hey!” Harry tried to think of something to say against an insult to one of his closest mates, but the words caught in his throat as she saddled up next to him, her breasts pushing against his chest while she leaned forward.

“Or maybe you don’t have just words for me. You must be annoyed, angry, maybe something else. There’s always been tension whenever we were in the same room, yet the most it ever came to was words because you’ve always been a thick, bone-headed, oblivious…” This was what she had been building up to, setting the stage for a perfectly charged moment. All he needed to do was kiss her and she’d have him leashed for the rest of the school year. They were so close now, her body rubbing against his “accidentally” during her rant as she stood on her toes, closing her eyes as she trailed off, the moment arriving.

The moment passed. Dracia opened her eyelids to see Harry trying to restrain himself, clearly embarrassed by his urge to kiss her. Damn these Gryffindors and their stupid honor and chivalry. Weren’t they supposed to be passionate as well? Letting their emotions take over? She backed off, embarrassed by her failed attempt at offering herself. Well there was more than one way to pluck a mandrake and if his misguided sense of chivalry was making him rebuff her implied invitations, then she’d just be blunt enough that even his thick skull could understand what she wanted.

“Fine. If you’re going to be like this, then I have no choice. Harry… I-“ Oh how she wished she could quell the beating of her heart, each word a struggle to get out, a part of her unwilling to lay her emotions bare. Surely he could read the mood?
“I… I’ve always had a thing for you.” Her demeanor changed instantly from dominatrix to shy schoolgirl, her hands clamped nervously behind her as she looked downwards, unbearably cute. Harry of course had no idea how to respond. Here was this absolute bombshell nearly throwing herself at him. It felt like one of his dreams, even the odd feeling of recognition he had despite never seeing this girl a day in his life. Maybe they had a class together and he had somehow missed her? Though he couldn’t imagine missing a girl like this in Hogwarts. Well clearly she knew him, so he better straighten things out before he took advantage of the situation.

“Look. I don’t know you-“
“Sexually? I know Harry and I want to change that.” When did she get so close to him? It was like she had crossed the distance between blinks.
“N-no! I mean I’ve never seen you-“
“So radiant? Beautiful? You don’t have to lay it on so thick when I’m already willing. Well maybe later in the room of requirement.”

Dracia laughed, seeing the cogs turning in Harry’s mind as she draped a hand over his shoulder, lifting her mouth up to his ear to whisper, “I know you know where it is. And let me tell you, it has everything and anything we might… require for our fun.” She slowly rubbed against him, staring into his eyes as she mesmerized him with her words.

“But you’d need to really want it Harry for it to work. Then we wouldn’t have to worry about any interruptions for the entire night. Could you do that for me Harry?” 
“Did you say all night?”
“Can you do that for me Harry? Then I can do whatever you want me to. Anything.” He was trembling against her, all he needed was a slight push and she’d be free to do whatever she wanted with the horny idiot.
“Of course, if you want a small taste of what I can offer, then I’d be more than willing to let you, what’s that muggle expression, taste the goods. All. You. Need. To. Do. Is. As-“
“What is going on here?” The oily tones of Snape’s snarl made the two students scramble apart, both embarrassed to be found in such compromising positions, though Dracia was practically fuming, having to hold herself back from casting crucio. Besides, the bastard would probably just counter it and then she’d be in even hotter water than she was now. 


Happily Anonymous

This story is one of the most sexy, cute, and beautiful things I’ve ever read. It does an excellent job of portraying the unassuredness and wanting you go through in high school, and having only recently graduated myself, I identified with it totally- and really enjoyed the delightful Harry Potter setting and TG twist. Fenek, this story and it’s accompanied illustrations totally justify my pledge to you and your artwork, I hope you can keep coming out with even more amazing content<3


Man, thanks for the kind words, it means a lot ^^ Also credit for the story goes to Charoset, you can check the rest of his amazing work here: <a href="https://charoset.deviantart.com" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://charoset.deviantart.com</a> I hope you also enjoy what follows it!

Happily Anonymous

If it has anything with Snape eating those candies from Weasley &amp; Weasley, I’m sure I will!! And please keep it up with Harry and Darcia, her internal dilemma is so sweet!!