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Story by Warden


Tanjiro placed Nezuko’s box down. The day's trials had taken their toll, but he and the others had gotten through it in one piece, even though it was only midday. Zenitsu and Inosuke were currently off on their training and doing what they wished. 

“Don’t worry Nezuko. Just a little longer and then you’ll be able to come out.”

A few taps came from the box, telling him she was listening. It wouldn’t be long before night would arrive, and then she could come out. Those tiny little thumps made him smile. 

“Perhaps I can make some food to celebrate. There is still a long way to go before we are able to find Muzan, but we have been doing well against the Upper Moons.” 

A tear formed in the room. Nothing about the other side was visible to Tanjiro. No scent from the other side indicated where he might have come from. Tanjiro leaped back. Immediately, he grabbed the hilt of his sword. 

Michael stepped through the portal. “Alright now we are onto our next mission. Oh Demon Slayer. Been a while since I have been here. At least this world doesn’t have the same level of insanity that Naruto’s did.”

‘He looks like a normal person. But with what he has just done he can’t be. Could this person be Muzan?’ Tanjiro thought. Yet the smell he had from him told him he was an average human. No indication on his face said he was a demon. If anything, he looked like an ordinary European man. ‘But how was he able to appear like this? He doesn’t have a weapon, but with that weird power he showed off, could that really be true?’ 

There was no technique he could think of that a human could do to let them do it. If there were, then he was sure the rest of the Demon Slayer Corp would have utilized them at every opportunity. 

Michael looked down at the clipboard in his hand. “Let me just take another gander of what I have to do in front of me and then we can go from there.” 

Silence filled the room that made Tanjiro’s skin crawl. It was as if he was speaking to all of the Hashiras at once all over again. Though unlike before, the man's presence was nowhere near as oppressive. If anything, it was practically nonexistent compared to them and would have been were it not for his strange arrival.

“Oh this is one of those kind of requests. Well, nothing wrong with those. Know we all have been there at one point or another."

“Requests? Are you like a messenger or something?” Tanjiro lowered his sword. ‘At the very least he just seems to be like Zentisu was when they first met. Maybe just getting to know them and spending some more time with them would be better.’

“To an extent. With the shields up then that will be that. The last thing I want to do is get kicked by a small child who can and probably would kick my ass across the town if given a reason. Where am I in the timeline again, because then there’s the bigger form.”

‘Small child?’ The only one he could think of who might fit that description was Nezuko. ‘Still, he could be referring to someone else who just looks like one. Better not to make any assumptions.’

“Sometimes I love the protections that I get from when I’m on the job. It certainly helped me out more than a few times. Especially when it came to that Inosuke guy in another universe and some of the more hot-headed characters like Bakugo. Been a bit since I got things done with a guy like you.” 

“Get things done? Are you here for me specifically?” 

“Yeah, the request I got from the commissioner this time is that you change since they are a big shipper of you with Rengoku.”

Tanjiro sputtered. A dark scarlet blush that would have put a roaring fire to shame darkened his cheeks. “T-There’s no way me and Rangoku would have ended up like that. While I did admire him, they were not to that point.”

“It’s fine. Sometimes, people like to do that because they think the couple looks good. Even if there is no proof to it at all. To some, it's just fine, while to others, it can be…intense, especially if its two guys together.” A visible shudder overcame Michael. 

The words confused Tanjiro further. Any sense he had about the situation was further distorted. Yet the thought of being with Rengoku still in any sort of romantic manner made his heart weak. 

For a moment, Tanjiro's eyes went to Nezuko. ‘There’s no way Nezuko would ever think like that…Right?’ 

Yet the thought of Nezuko ever finding any enjoyment from imagining that sort of thing made him want to scream at the thought. 

“Anyway, to get back to the main point, the commissioner wanted to ensure their OTP, as they put it, would come out on top. Since in their own words, Rengoku deserved so much more then what he had gotten in the canon universe. Especially with such a cinnamon roll such as you. Reasonable and fair considering what he was like. I found him amusing and respected him as well.” 

Despite the situation at hand, Tanjiro could not help but relax. “Yes, Mr. Rengoku truly was an amazing person.”

Michael hummed. “Shields are doing a number here if you are this at ease already. Or it might just be how well connected with Rengoku you were and your nature doing so. Oh well, it makes my life a little easier. Now, then, let’s get to work.”

“Hmm, I think we can just work on making your face a little easier to look at. Perhaps make that scar a little smaller. It's still an essential piece of your character and one of the main things that help you stand out more. It would be terrible to  deprive you of it.”

Tanjiro winced as his features altered. Every aspect of his face softened. A crunch came from his nose as it gained a slightly more upturned appearance. Both of his lips gained a pillowy softness, along with a new red luster to them. Cracks came from his jawline as it became rounder. The scar which he had on his scalp reduced just a little. It was still prominent, but now it did not stand out as much. 

Michael said. “There we go. Such a face is sure to give you plenty of admirers, even from the coldest or single-minded of men. And with it, we can lean a little more into it and how people had perceived you at first. Zenitsu and some of the other characters would have fallen over themselves trying to get with you.”

Numerous suitors flashed in his mind at how some of them had reacted. Even Tengen had offered to make him one of his wives before he learned his true gender. 

‘That had been a scene that Lord Tengan would never be able to live down. Even Zenitsu looked as if the universe had betrayed him when he learned that. ’

“We need to keep some of the bulk you had. It wouldn’t be right if a swordswoman had some flabby arms. But they also need just the right amount in your station. Bit of a standard when it comes to arms of this size, but maybe with some slight scars from past battles as well.”

Tanjiro’s arms lost some of their power. All of his fingers gained a daintier appearance to them. Every nail lengthened as their ends refined into a sharp singular point. What calluses he had reduced to fit. Nothing was left of his masculine hands aside from the reduced calluses. 

Michael said. “Now let’s continue the process and get the rest of your arms in order. It would look strange if your arms are so much larger than your hands and forearms.”

Tanjiro’s biceps gained the same feminine grace in them as they deflated. Yet they lost none of the power within them. With one loud snap, both of his shoulders moved closer together. Everything about his upper body could only be described as feminine with how it was. 

Michael said. “Alright, why don’t we work a little more on your hairstyle. Now that I have a better idea of what I’m working with we can play around with it until we find something that suits you.”

It billowed behind Tanjiro to his butt and then reduced. Almost as if a sword was being cut through it. Shorter and shorter it became. The fluffiness of his scalp, never once losing it. With every diminished inch, more of a shine went through his hair. A luster that continued to gain prominence. Only when it reached Tanjiro's mid-back did it finally cease growing.

“I think that is good for now. Can always alter it when we are a little further along. Though we can make any final adjustments when the rest of the canvas is done.”

Tanjiro grabbed long locks of his silky hair, unable to help himself. The soft, luxurious feel of it was impossible to ignore. It brought back memories of his mother's hair and how it felt. “How are you making my hair so much longer? I thought your power was some sort of transportation ability.” 

“Just all part of my job. Let’s work on bringing in the rest of your figure. We need to give that waist of yours quite a bit of work. It will help set the foundation and give us an idea off what the rest of your future will look like by the time we are done.”

Tanjiro gasped as if someone wrapped their around his body. Everything about his core began to change. The sides of it collapsed inward. Slimmer it became until half of its size was lost. It made the contrast with the lower and upper half of his body stand out from the other. Despite its size, none of the defined tone he had gained from his training had disappeared. Instead, it began to slim down. 

“There we go, now there is a good midsection to help make everything pop. Yet we can improve on it with just a little bit more work to that stomach of yours. I might not mind some abs, but it has to fit with the rest, and in this case, it doesn't." 

All of Tanjiro's hardened abs retreated. The slight girth his abs had gained diminished. It smoothed over, almost as if it was being spread out through the rest of his body. 

Tanjiro pressed his stomach. It was tighter and fitter than he had expected. Before, he could feel slight lumps that were abs, but now there was nothing there. Only a trim-fit stomach, which someone could have used as a plate. 

 “And with how far it has come, I think it's time we bring in your hourglass figure. Make sure there’s a little more width down there to bring out full motherly appeal.” 

Tanjiro’s hips widened and gained wide girth to rival his shoulders. Even through his kimono, they stood out. Both ends of his hips could easily have been used as handholds. A  small lump between his legs was noticeable with how tight they were.

“They had thought the two of you would have the most adorable children whenever they thought about the future. So it makes sense we should give you a prominent pair of hips to go with your new life. From what I have been told and read, wider hips make giving birth a little easier. Maybe I should go and make them the most enticing part of your figure.”

“C-children!” The thought of having children with features of the two of them made Tanjiro pause. “But both of us are men, there’s no way we could have children!” 

“Well, maybe not yet, but we can fix that with a little bit of work. Speaking of which, we might as well correct that now. No sense in putting it off.”

“No, wait, Michael-san!” 

Right after Tanjiro’s plea, there was a sudden heat between his legs. It made his rod stand at attention. Even through his kimono and the rest of his attire, it stood out like a fire. Tanjiro tried to cover it up, but it sent a shock through him that made him shudder. With one quick pull, his masculinity retreated between his legs. A new hole formed between them. 


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