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Alright so my brain is doing that thing where I work on one animation for weeks, get paralysis of analysis, then work on something completely new to help refocus. This latest drop is the result of that! I'm still working on the others of course and will drop them soon. For now, expect part 2 of Sara and Selina tomorrow, where Selina takes over Sara and creates her first Thrall!



Ovidius Naso

Looking forward to this one!


Looking good! Eager to see this one! And no worries, with art, you can't force yourself to work on something if you don't currently have the inspiration for it, so good for you that you're working on different projects at once depending on your drive. That way, if you have a creator's block (kinda like writer's block) with something, you can just move on to a different project until you get a flash of inspiration. Anyways, so long that you're having fun and still enjoy making your animations.


hype for drop today!


When is the video dropping?


close i assume