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Good morning everyone! A lot of you have already been auto joined and given a role on Discord that allows you to access the Tier Channels, but for those of you who are having trouble send me a message on Discord! I can adjust your role there. Thank you for your patience as we make this transition to a better delivery system!


Claudio Mazzoni

Hello, my discord was not linked to my patreon, can you please re-send the invite to the new email on it?


The link isn’t working for me, I copied and pasted the invite code into my discord app and it said the links expired.


So is this guy just not active at all or...

Sebastian Magnus

I’ve been sending the links out, but feel free to message me to get your discord set up.


Didn't get any of these messages earlier, but I can't find the discord channel and I can't find links in any of these posts


I’m new here is discord a requirement in order to get access to stills/animations?


I do not know if Discord is going to be a hard requirement for access, or just a strong suggestion. The majority joined Discord so far, but hopefully he'll still message links to those that did not. For those concerned with privacy, you could always make a Discord just for joining, with a secondary email and with privacy options. Anyways, GP is not doing this to inconvenience you all, he's trying to find a happy medium to give access to all of us relatively easily, while still trying to combat piracy. And since most of his videos take 25+ hours to make, I understand his stance, it can be disheartening to work long hours on your art just to see it stolen. I'm just hoping that Discord will be relatively smooth and that managing a Discord with hundreds of people is not too much of a burden on him and won't burn him out. Anyways, we'll see, and maybe he'll still cater to those who don't want to join Discord, as while most of us joined, not everyone will want to, and I understand that.


And sorry, my post above is not meant to be condescending or demeaning at all, just trying to explain. But I totally understand if some people feel annoyed or disgruntled by all this. I get that. But I do think that GP's art is worth it. And sorry for the wall of text above, for some reason I cannot make paragraphs with my phone.


I just… I mean how deep does the rabbit hole go? I didn’t want to join patreon, but here we are. Now I have to join discord or wait? I know there are thieves, but at some point it’s just too much trouble


I feel like I’ve made a mistake!