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Hey all! Just letting you know I added a second version of the latest animation without the flash for ppl who may be sensitive to epileptic seizures! I also lowered the moan volume a bit. Thank you for your suggestions! The new link can be found on the original post and here:




This looks a LOT better, thank you. Only drawback though, there's no audio, just so you know. Oh, and something I completely forgot to say, you improved tremendously with faces and facial expressions, her face and expressions are leaps and bounds better than anything you did so far, I'm impressed!

Brenden Jensen

This is so much better!!! But please fix the audio!!


no audio at all in updated version


Thank you for fixing the audio! And, oh man, now that we can hear the growing sounds, wow, that's sexy as heck, I love it! Looking forward to hear more growing sounds in your future videos when applicable, they really emphasize the growing process. So having moans to be a bit more quiet with the growing sounds to be more loud is a fantastically sexy audio experience!


Pornhub is free gets better quality from what your posting there 😭


That's just plain rude. And no one here is forced to pay, we do because we love GP's work. And do you have any idea how collossal of a job it is to make a 3D animation from scratch, frame by frame, with all the editing? Dozens of hours, sometimes hundreds, this is not something easy to do. Anyway, look, you're allowed to be disappointed or dissatisfied with GP's videos, that's perfectly okay, but at least tell him why you feel his videos are falling short. Constructive criticism is actually good, but not this. At least have the courtesy to tell him what you dislike, and if it's a valid complaint, maybe he can use that to correct his art. But gratuitous attacks like this are not good, and not something he can use to improve his videos or his channel.

Sebastian Magnus

Hey! What do you mean by that? I only post previews there. Do you mean the resolution is better there?


It’s not attack I’m stating that when I pay for a version that isn’t gonna be for other people that only a small clip is shown for the free ones why am I gonna waste my money on something others get for free


You posted the full video for free for people on porn hub etc

Sebastian Magnus

Ohhhh!! You know what’s crazy?! That was an ACCIDENT lol. I was posted remotely while on the road and made a mistake. Thanks for catching that!! I’m gonna switch those videos out!


No problem I have a good eye for things. Didn’t know if you meant to do that or not.


Ah, okay, now I see why you were ticked. And sorry if I was too wordly with my post, your complaint was too vague so didn't know what you meant. But yeah, your complaint was valid and sorry if I was rude by accident in return.