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  • Excited art bat.mp4



So i've been messing around with Pencil again and been working on this project, here's a preview of one part of the animation... possibly the important part, i really really like how it turned out, Goofy and toony... and hawt. :3

SFM animations are great, i won't deny that i constantly nut whenever a heartbeat/cockbeat thing suddenly shows up on pornhub with SFM because HRRF FETISH.  Working on them is a pain in the ass though, so much issues with the program itself and it's currently stuck in development hell because Valve just gave up making games and stuff.

Now i'm not saying i'm quiting it at all oh no, i got too big of a commission list to stop with it now.  But on the side i've been learning more art and 2d animation with this silly thing. In which early previews will be shown on patreon because i still want to appreciate my supporters any way i can :3 even if it's not SFM

"But Fieron, why though?"

Many people will argue with me on this but i feel that actually being able to create something from scratch is the creative freedom i desire.  Now SFM does have a lot of creative freedom with all the different models you can work with, but to me it feels... off.

My mood has been improving lately so i'll do my best to get back into SFM to do the commissions.  And who knows, maybe i might be good enough to do 2d animation commissions at some point?

but enough about me, ENJOY!




Hmm, fun little 2D animation here. I always liked the 2D animations you did back in the day, think it would be good for you to get back into them personally to have something else to focus on other than SFM.