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Continuing a tradition of birthday gift art Hadalis commissions me to do, here's a new one for FairyPrincessJess, over at DeviantArt, who is having her birthday TODAY. ^_^ Happy Birthday Jess!

Hadalis has more to say about this FAKE cover (there's no comic attached to this, sorry!! ^_^ ). You can find it on his DeviantArt page!

(PS: This one will be posted publicly a little earlier than usual. I don't often do Star Wars pics so close to Star Wars Day, so this one goes up publicly on May the Fourth! ^_^ )

EDIT: It was pointed out to me that April 29th isn't Jess birthday, but the birthday of the OC Wisp!! Oopsie! So... Happy birthday WISP!! ^_^ 



Alex W.

Mando: "Wait, I get two adorable foundlings to look after now?" [sighs] "...Well, this is the Way!"