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I've been enjoying a lovely break from doing reward sketches in April. 

However, I've not taken a FULL break. But I will!
Starting this Saturday, I'll be away for a week. I'll have access to internet, but I'm not planning on working AT ALL. 

There's one timing issue that's annoying though: That means I'm not here to open up the new tiers when May begins, or to send out welcome messages.

So.... Please note that I will open up tiers, send out messages and forms for those who need it in the SECOND week of May! Also, after that, I'm back at work completely, doing sketch rewards, commissions, the whole shabang. ^_^ 

However, there will be a few posts, as I've pre-programmed a few things. :-) 

So, see you all in the second week of May! ^_^



Everyone needs a brake every now and then 😁


That's alright baby butt~ Please take breaks when you need it, it's important to keep your health good! ♥


If the artist doesn't take care of herself, then the art stops completely. You do what you need to do Hof. Good art is always worth waiting for. :D


Take all the time you need! 💕


Sounds good, enjoy your vacation, Hoffy~