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Well, I've been pushing this message ahead of me for a long time. 🙁
But bad news, contrary to what you might think, does not go away by ignoring it. Believe me, I tried! 😛

I'm going to raise prices for the sketch tiers, as well as for the commission tier.
This is not going to happen immediately, all at once though!
I wanted to announce this now, because I AM going to start phase 1 in February. 

Old situation, vs. new situation

The current situation is as follows:
€1 and €5 tiers aren't changing.
€10 - Black and white sketch tier will be €15 in the future.
€17,50 - Color sketch tier will be €20 in the future.
€55 - Commission tier will also be raised, but I've not decided on the new price yet. 

In phases

I'm gonna do this in steps. This is because it's actually not all that simple to raise prices! Patreon does not allow price raise. That's actually fair. This way, you can't sign up for a tier, and then suddenly start paying more when a creator raises the price. You, as a patron, have to actively choose to pay more. 🙂 

So what I'm gonna do is, I'll create NEW tiers.
In a few days, I'm gonna limit the current sketch tiers. That means people can unsubscribe, but no longer subscribe.
New people who want to sign up for it will have to subscribe to the new, higher price tier. But if you don't unsubscribe, you will still have the sketch for the old price. 

However, in April, I will stop doing the sketches for the lower price tiers. I will then ask everyone to subscribe to the higher tier. Of course, unsubscribing is an option as well.
Throughout April, I WILL keep the tiers alive. Meaning, if you subscribed, you will still pay me, but you won't receive a sketch. This is because some people subscribed for the tier, not for the sketch, but simply cause that's the amount they want to support me for. Really, I have the bestest patrons in the world, I swear. Yeah, that's you guys reading this!! ^_^ 

So keep in mind, everyone who doesn't want to pay the higher prices (which is totally fair!) still have February and March to get the sketches done they really want to have done!


I really hope I explained what'll happen well. Of course, if something is not clear to you, please contact me. Leave a comment below, I'll answer your question. Or send me a DM through Patreon or Discord, that's fine too. 🙂

Thank you all for your support. This Patreon, more specifically, you guys who support me, have literally changed my life for the better! I love you all for it! ❤️



Still well worth the price of admission.


That ain't too bad. I don't mind coughing up a couple more for a color doodle.


You got to be able to make a living. So do what's needed your fans will support you. :3


Thus is life, everything goes up in time. And all understandable, a modest price increase for all the amazing work you do.