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Many might have clicked this post, wondering why this is called "Corner Time".

Well, a few months ago, I went to my first official ABDL party. Well... really, I was dragged there. :-P
It was called "Corner Time", and I liked that it was not just little-oriented, but also a little bit about the bondage / punishment aspect. 

I had an amazing time, and I wanted to treasure the memory by drawing this. On the right is Myrethyu, who was the one who basically nagged me til I relented and came along. :-D
Thanks so much Li'l sis!! ^_^
On the right is someone I don't think has a name in the community, and I'm not sure she wants me to name her, so she'll be anonimous for now. She drove us through Amsterdam, which was an adventure all by itself, and I'm so happy she did. :-D
In the middle is Fleur, who is me. :-) 

I was very shy about doing this, but thanks to these two dear people, I went, and I did NOT regret it! Thank you both so so much!! ^_^ 

On a somewhat sad note: The event is being held again this weekend (December 3). I wanted to go, even purchased some updates on my outfit. And I might still go, but right now, I feel sick, and unless things get better tomorrow, I won't be able to make it. :-( 

If you're a Dutch reader (or visit the Netherlands for this sort of thing) and you're familiar with the event, please, send me a note! I really wanna get to know more folks in person, and this specific event is perfect for me! Even if I won't make it this time, I'll be sure to try and make it next time, and would love to meet you! ^_^ 




Heyy, I’m a student in Amsterdam!!


Man, I really wish I had the time and money to have a solo holiday in Amsterdam right now 😅


I wish I had the time and the courage (or friends not giving me a choice) to go to an event like that.


I know the feeling. Please, believe me on this: you'll only require the courage to walk in the door. Once you do, and find yourself among people so obviously likeminded, it feels like coming home. You'll find yourself having a good time, even if you don't have the courage to do anything else. I didn't talk to many people while I was there, aside from those I came with. Because I was too shy. It didn't matter. I enjoyed myself, and I know I'll be able to push myself more and start conversations next time. :-) Please don't think "Hof's lucky to have such a friend". I've been doing kinky art for 8 years now. It took me 8 years to find such a friend. That's not luck. That's fate giving up cause I'm more patient than it. ;-) You just gotta stick to it, make small steps, and please believe me, you WILL get closer to your goal, and if you do so long enough, you'll make it eventually!