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YES!!! Let's get back to business! 

I've been working a lot on the next chapter of Under Lock & Key over the past 6 months, at least. Life kept interfering, and I was unable to finish it. Even now, it's nowhere NEAR completion... But the deadlines will help me keep the work going, and I DO have the first few pages done, or nearly done. It should all be fine! Really, it will! I hope... 😛

So, Saturday January 15 is when you can expect the cover image, with the comic itself to follow. It's gonna be a lot of fun! So stay tuned! ^_^ 

EDIT: I didn't think this needed special mention before, but I changed my mind: 
The comic is based on a story by PeculiarChangeling
Usually we sort of write the adaptation to comic form together. For this chapter, Pecu wrote it by himself, and I for one could not be happier!! He's done a marvellous job! The comic will be on his Patreon as well, so if you wanna read the comic earlier, you DO have the option of supporting him instead of me, and I just wanna say, he certainly deserves it!!! I'm so happy to be doing this comic with him!! ^_^ 




Yes yes YES!!!! 😍❤️😍

Alex W.

This made my day!! Worth the wait!


Awwwwww yeah 2022 is shaping up nicely 😁


Perfect birthday present


Oh god, I hope you're not judging 2022 by this comic alone! I can't handle that pressure! 😂


It is one of multiple pieces of good news 😘