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Hey all! Not sure about you guys, but for me, the year is quickly approaching the end now. Just a few more hours, really.
It's been one heck of a year, too..... Lemme tell you:

For those who don't know, I lost my job early 2020. Wasn't even due to covid, but the effect sure was the same. But all throughout that year, I did't manage to make a FULL living from drawing alone.

So that's how 2021 started for me: still unable to pay the bills, except I wasn't in any trouble cause I was getting unemployment fees from the government.
However, that was coming to an end in June!

I knew that the only way to do it, was to do commissions full time, but I was reluctant to do that. I wanted to finish other projects. So early on this year, I made definite plans to get where I wanted to be. I spent January and February finishing a new chapter for Under Lock & Key. After that, I focussed on doing a non-kink project. Creatively, this gave me an incredible boost, but it was stressful getting it done! But by the end of May, it was, and I had my hands free to go kink-art full time! 

So I did. And although the first month was tight on money, the second month was decent, and the third and fourth months were just good! I WAS LIVING MY DREAM! I was no longer on government support, and I was making my own living, doing nothing but art. Fair, in the dream I had since I was a child, it sure wasn't kinky art, but, you know, art is art! ^_^ 

Then came October, and suddenly I had this idea for a Halloween comic. But doing that meant far less time for commissions. And I actually couldn't afford that! But I wanted to do it so badly! So, I took the risk.... And it paid off, in the end!
And again, creatively, doing that was soooooo satisfying and gave me such a boost of energy! I LOVED it, and it was the highlight of the year for me! 

It was followed up by yet another short comic, only this time, it was a commission. I was hesitent to do it, cause I wasn't sure I'd like doing comics on commissions. Turns out, I do! Sure, it's less fun, less challenging, less satisfying than doing it all on my own. But it has other perks.... For one thing, it was still fun, while being far less of any risk, financially speaking! 

Sadly, the end of the year ended on a downer note for me. A close family member was diagnosed with a tumor. It was successfully removed, but a lot of care was required, and I ended up spending half a month with my head in the clouds, worrying, and the other half taking care of the patient. It's a small miracle I managed to get my Patreon workload out of the way, but I did close to nothing on commissions. So December has been a very rough month, financially speaking.

But, you know, this whole thing might sound like I'm focussed on money, and... well, I kinda have to! But I'm not. December was actually a pretty good month in other areas. After all, the tumor WAS removed successfully, and my loved one is well on the road to recovery!
And I consider this my very first year where I was completely successful as an artist, and that is worth a lot to me. If this is to be my life from now on, I consider myself very blessed indeed, cause it's a good life! :-) 

Often, in the past, December was a depressing month for me, cause I tend to look back and not be happy with the year. And let's face it, 2021 has been a shitty year. A REALLY shitty year! But I have personal reasons to be happy with how things went for me. In that regard, I've had worse years. I'm ending the year on a somewhat high note, which is quite unique for me. 

All I can do is hope the same goes for all of you. Cause, to return to the matter of finances for a moment: THIS IS ALL THANKS TO YOU!!!! November and December 2021 have been my top two months on Patreon of all times! And without your support, none of what I described would have been possible. Even the non-kink project would have been too much of a gamble. Doing comics would have remained a dream.
So yeah, I sincerely hope ALL of you reading this are in a good place in your life, and are able to look back on, perhaps a shitty, but for you personally REWARDING year! 

And despite the high note I ended on, and I hope you all ended on, let's hope 2022 is going to be a better year! The world needs to lighten up a little again! I'm gonna do my best to spread a little light through my art! I hope you all do your parts as well! Even in dark times, if we all do our best, the world can still look bright! ^_^ 

Happy new year everyone! Thank you all so much, and all the best to you!!! 

A very grateful Hof! 



I had a similar year to you Hof, in the sense that it was a shitty and challenging year but also a lot of positive progress has been made in my life. Here's to 2022!


Happy to hear that your loved one is mending, and that you'll still be creating ABDL art in 2022.


I feel you on those ups and downs, but here's a (hopefully) better 2022~!


I'm sorry about all you went through Hoffy, but here's to a new year and may things go well from here on out.