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I've explained how I've been working hard lately, despite having nothing to post. Well, this project explains what I've been working on! 

So, starting this Saturday, I'm publishing a comic that I was commissioned to do. I've never done that before, and it was an interesting experience! And surprisingly (to myself) I'm quite proud of the result! 

It's a 7-page comic called Trial of the Madames: Masculinity Test
The script was written by Texbot, who also commissioned me to do the art.

I'll be posting a page every two days. Then, two weeks later, it'll be on public venues as well.

I really hope you guys will enjoy this as much as I did working on it. ^_^ 

And a big thank you to TheRoseQueenAlexis, who recommended me for the job! Thanks so much, Alexis!!! :D 
