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  • 2021-11 - Reward sketch 22 - ABMike.mp4



"C.R.I.B. is in competition with Tiddie Diddie Diaper Service because C.R.I.B. offers cloth diapers for any age cheaper than disposables. Wally switched jobs because he likes how cool is his uniform compared to his old job. And he loves meeting new customers."

This sketch was done for ABMike, who provided the above text as well.

A little backstory here: about two months ago, I did a sketch request featuring Wally West as a diaper delivery man.
This sketch inspired ABMike! He wasn't aware Wally was Wally West, but he loved the character so much, he came up with an entire backstory! Well, I loved it, so I was happy to draw Wally yet again. A slightly alternate Wally, that is. ^_^ 




He didn't know Wally was Wally West and unintentionally made a S.T.A.R. Labs reference? Dang.


I love Wally because he's super friendly and smiley and just a damn cute guy. All the moms love him because he's happy to model the larger sizes of diapers and baby pants. I love the look of his comfy summer shortalls, his pacifier and details like the C.R.I.B. logo on the bib. We'll see more of him I am sure. :)


It's a lab in the universe of DC comics. Specifically a lab that often helps out Superman when he needs stuff analysed or whatever. (I'm not well versed in the DC comics universe. I remember this much from seeing the old Superman / Justice League animated series, so this is all I know. ^_^ ) Since Wally West, the character this one was based on, was the Flash in that same universe, you making the C.R.I.B. acronym is a nice little coincidence. ^_^


The Flash TV show that's been on recently has also featured S.T.A.R. Labs as the base of operations for Barry Allen as Flash, where he and his group take on the meta-villains which show up in Central City. Wally West (not the one this guy is based off of) was present as Kid Flash for a few seasons in the show.


Ah, there you go! Thanks for clarifying! ^_^ Not familiar with the Flash TV show. I tried Arrow, but near the end of the first season, I lost interest. I briefly got to see Barry Allen before I quit it, but yeah... I don't know much about it. :-P