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  • 2021-11 - Reward sketch 21 - TBP.mp4



This one was done for TBP. ^_^ 

I still have three posts coming up today. Sorry for being so late with everything! :-) 




I want this cutie in Ms. Emily's Nursery so bad, I'm not even joking. They're too cute!


Look at them! They're basically wearing the official uniform. Ms. Emily would need to shorten that dress, make it a little frillier, and check for a Peter Pan collar, but other than that they're definitely ready for intake as a newborn!


Well, the hair hasn't grpwn out yet, but that's just a matter of time, I suppose. ;-)


I love it .... cute and funny.


Thanks again Hof! Remind me for when I do that commission: I'll share some photos of me as a basis for you to work off of, and there may be a pic or two with hair that grew out a little over quarantine last year... ;-)


I hate to admit Babydoll, but I haven't read Big Sister Problems Reborn yet. Sounds fun though... Would Ms. Emily care that I'm a big brother that sometimes plays at being a big sister? :-P


Ms. Emily loves all little ones, no matter how they identify! One of the big perks of staying at her nursery is everyone is free to be the exact sort of sissy baby they know themselves to be. You'll fit in just fine, trust me~!


We will have to talk to Hof about doing a crossover episode! 😂