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Okay, so here's something unexpected!
Earlier this week, I suddenly had a bit of inspiration, and I was like "That could make for a fun little Halloween comic!! So when exactly IS Halloween? Oh.... Two-and-a-half weeks from now..... Yeah, I can't do that in that time.
Can I?
Well, the answer can be seen above.

Here's what's gonna happen: This is a 7-page comic. I'll be posting one page every day, starting October 25th, with the final page hitting on Halloween itself.
HOWEVER: It will ONLY be visible for Patrons with tiers for $5 and up.

As soon as it's done, I'll also put it in PDF format on Gumroad. The price will be $3, most likely. I haven't looked into Gumroad yet at all, so perhaps that changes if it turns out Gumroad charges for it in a way unknown to me now. 

It will NOT be posted on public venues! At least.... NOT YET!
I plan on publicly releasing this on Halloween NEXT YEAR.
I really wanna give my Patrons an early look. But I also really wanna make this a Halloween event, and not post it two weeks AFTER Halloween.

I sincerely hope you will all enjoy this! Right now, I'm having a blast working on it, it's so much fun!! ^_^




Oh man :3 I'm excited! If it's THAT good of a story to tell, I know it's gonna be great!


Who said anything about it being GOOD? ;-) To be honest, I was REALLY happy when I thought of this, but after I wrote it and read it back, I realised it really wasn't very original. But you know.... so what? I'm not going for awards here. I wanna have some fun doing this, and so far, I sure am!! ^_^


Hey, as long as you had fun that's what matters! Alot of my stories arnt the most original but I have a blast with them~