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Here's Archie Comics' Betty Cooper, filling her pamps while talking. ^_^ 

This sketch won the poll. I changed the sketch slightly, cause I found a cuter outfit for her to wear. I didn't think anyone who voted for it would mind. :-D 

Hope you all like it! I sure do, this style is so much fun for me to dabble in! ^_^ 

EDIT: Forgot to mention this initially, but... The sketch for this was originally done for Stevie135! :-) 



Alex W.

Cut to Veronica: "Well! If you needed a change, you could've just asked me!" ^_^


Hah! You recognised Veronica! :-D I'm actually not familiar with Archie comics, but I'm familiar with the style. So when I was finishing this, I was like "Who could the other lady she's talking to be?". Google suggested Veronica. But I didn't fully keep to that character, really. Just used her for inspiration, but deviated from her design here and there to suit my own fancies. ^_^ Still thrilled you recognised her! :-D


The outfit is really cute! I think everyone's already aware she has potty problems and that's why Veronica is chatting away; she knows Betty can just go anytime if she really needs to!


Probably, but Betty doesn't realise that yet. She's still in the "nobody knows" bubble. ^_^