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Over at DeviantArt, I noticed today that I had 665 posts. So the next was gonna be the 666th.

I jokingly threw the question in my Discord server, what I should do for it, and Alexis replied "Demon girl!"

She happened to have a very cute demon girl character laying about which she graciously allowed me to use.
So, here's Nyx, Alexis' OC, celebrating my 666th post by... what else? Showing off her padded tush! ^_^ 

Obviously, for once, this one doesn't get the usual 2 week preview. I can't really not post anything for two weeks on DeviantArt after all. :-D 

Bytheway, I haven't plugged my Discord server a lot lately. So... Want to join? Here's the invite link! ^_^




Ooh! For your next post why don't you make an "evil" on an "opposite" version of your very 1st post!