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Last few episodes, I focussed on the story aspect, cause the drawing aspect just wasn't all that interesting. ^_^ 

Let's get back to that a bit. I've told you this before: I got VERY comfortable drawing Delilah in the end. This sketched page shows that very well. The first panel, she's barely sketched, and genuinely, those few scribbles were all I needed for lining it.

The fifth panel even emphasises that: This WAS the sketch phase, and I needed to show this to Peculiar Changeling for approval (his default reply: "It's great!". He tried variations on how to write "great", but that's about all the variation it got ;-) ). Yet panel 5 was even worse scribbles than panel 1, but instead of sketching it more detailed, I just lined it right away. Those are the final lines you see there, exactly as they are in the final version.

Drawing Jenny was another matter though! And here I'll admit, I cheated!
Jenny's pose doesn't change throughout the page. As with a few pages earlier, I needed time to move slowly here. Nothing really happens, it's just thoughts flashing through Delilah's head. Maybe this entire page takes about 2 seconds of real time. So Jenny couldn't move a lot, or at all. But her pose had to be drawn consistently from several angles! 

So, I used a 3D poser app to get a blank character in the pose I wanted her. That way I could turn that around in reference, so I was able to draw it, no matter from what angle.

To budding artists out there: Don't be scared to do that! Don't trace every pose you do, obviously. But it can be sooooo helpful to have some reference! In fact, I think you learn a lot from it.

Besides, it's not like it suddenly got EASY. I still had to make the blank model into Jenny, clothes and diapers and all. ^_^ 

In any case, this was a fun page to work on, and I'm very happy with it. Are you as well? :-) 



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