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And that brings us to a close for this chapter.... Sorry to end it on a cliffhanger, but we really wanted to emphasise Jenny hitting an extreme low point here.

I'm currently planning to get back to work on this in June or July, aiming for publishing in the last three months of this year. Sadly, I can't make any promises. Life has a way of throwing about my plans. It is definitely not my intention to leave you all hanging as long as I did last time.

Story by Peculiar Changeling.

For those wanting to read up on the story, you can read previous chapters here:

For earlier pages of this chapter, just scroll down the history of this Patreon a little. ^_^



Alex W.

"That's one hell of a mess." I mean, just wait until Jenny tells you the whole story... ^_^


Missed this one too! Aww shucks looks like we've got a wait until the juicy good stuff starts. Still, this issue was still awesome and you did a brilliant job!


Thank you so much!! ^_^ And yeah, sorry about having to postpone the juicy stuff.... But things don't go from very stressed to nice and juicy in a matter of seconds. ^_^


Damn, well then I'm going to have to be very patient, aren't I! 😅