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Story by Peculiar Changeling.

For those wanting to read up on the story, you can read previous chapters here:

For earlier pages of this chapter, just scroll down the history of this Patreon a little. ^_^




Completely helpless and completely on show...


Given how overly used that diaper currently is, a sudden drop to the floor is the last thing she needs.


Ouch! That had to hurt. Poor Jenny. After three pages of her falling in slow motion, she finds herself helplessly on display to her neighbor, having landed on her messy, padded rear end with a sickening splat, and crippled with a sprained ankle, and her hands burned and broken worse than beforehand respectively. I knew you could be pretty sadistic to your characters, but...wow!

Alex W.

Delilah's caregiver instincts, activate!


Well, I’m not THAT bad.... except for the on display part. I’m totally sadistic like that! 😁