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The official return of Jenny in the comic comes with a bang! 

Pecu and I changed A LOT about this chapter, from the original story. I'll get into that once this chapter is over, to avoid spoilers for now.
One of the changes involved us getting to know Delilah a little better, which is why Jenny has been absent for a few pages.  We were also going for an emotional impact. We intentionally kept the chapter lighthearted until now, so this page would pack a bit of a punch.

I was on the fence on leaving Jenny for a while, but I knew this was the best course of action, when I started sketching this page. I opened the script page to see what it was I was going to have to draw, and.... from the mere script doodle, I felt sorry for Jenny. :-D 

Now, maybe this is just me, because I'm a little more involved in her story than the average reader. Still, if something can actually make me feel like this for a fictional character, it's doing something right, and I knew we were doing just that! ^_^ 

On a more technical note, I can tell you one of the most difficult things about doing a comic is continuity. Things have to fit. This page was.... a bit of a bitch in that. ^_^ 

Check out the sketch version of panels 3 and 4. Notice something weird? Look closely at Delilah's helmet. It changes hands between panels.
I actually finished the page like this, when Pecu finally pointed it out. But that helmet remained an annoying thing to keep track of in the next few pages. :-D 

Also, fun to check out the script page for Delilah's little flashback. Basically, in my script pages, I don't think about character design yet. So I draw the first girl that pops into my head for a throwaway character like this. And I'm not sure what it says about me that THAT would be the first girl popping into my head. Who wears hair like that anymore?!? She's like  straight from the fifties! I wasn't even alive in the fifties!! :-D 

The final page was posted yesterday, see here.



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