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Hi all! I just wanted to give you guys an update. A month ago (coincidentally EXACTLY a month ago! :-D ), I posted my future plans. You can read about that here:

So, as you may have noticed, the chapter of Under Lock & Key is going pretty well. It's not done yet, but I'm expecting to have it finished within a few days now. I started posting it, and seeing the pages I've worked on for so long actually get FINISHED is an incredibly satisfying feeling. ^_^

So that means.... Commissions!
I wanted to post this here on Patreon first. Give you guys a little bit of a head start on the public at large. However, I'll be sending the word out to people outside of Patreon soon. 

I've made a Google Form, which is intended to make sure all of the commission info can be found in 1 single place. If you're interested in commissioning me, please fill out this form, and I will get back to you very soon! :-) 

Here's the form, which includes a price chart. Please note, PATRONS GET A DISCOUNT!
PLEASE NOTE: This isn't tested yet! I may make changes to it as people use it, or even make a new one. If I do, I'll try to remember to change this link. :-P 

If you have any questions, please let me know. Thank you all for your continued support!!
Me doing commissions to try and make a living off of this seemed like a fantasy a while ago, but the only reason I'm even able to contemplate it is due to your support! Without Patreon as a backup, I wouldn't dream of doing this. Thank you soooo much!!! 



*instantly requests a commission*


Hi, is this still going or was it just for March?