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I get asked two questions a lot: "When is the next chapter for the comic "Under Lock and Key" coming?" and "When will you be open for commissions?"

I feel incredibly blessed that people keep asking this. There's an interest in my art that is very flattering, and consider myself blessed. The comic is something I love doing, and people love seeing more of that as well. What more can I ask for? ^_^

However, the two questions go hand in hand right now. I have time for either commissions or the comic, but not for both.

I've been avoiding commissions for months. I promised myself I would do the next chapter of the comic before I would do commissions. Things have been shaky in my life last few months (well, not just in my life, I imagine) and it prevented me from consistently working on the comic. So I kept disappointing people who wanted to commission me, as well as those wanting to see the comic continue.

I promised several people I would let them know what my plans were in January. Frankly, I would have liked to postpone it a little more, but I think I owe some clarity now. So here's what's gonna happen:

Patreon is my priority. Always. It's the one thing that has a hard deadline.

Second right now is the comic "Under Lock & Key". I'm hard at work on that, and I'm currently expecting to start publishing (on Patreon for sure) late February, so in about 1 month (maaaaaaaaybe a little earlier, but no promises!)

That means I'll open up commissions in March. Wether that's early March or late March depends on how much work is done for the comic.

Before March, I have no interest in taking on extra work, nor do I keep waiting lists. As soon as I open up commissions, I will post a journal, as well as a commissions pic, detailing information. Keep an eye on my profile, my Patreon or my Twitter, and you definitely will be informed. :)

Again, thanks so much for being so invested in me and my work. I love you all, and am committed to giving those interested what they want soon. ^_^



*clicks the bell icon on Hof's Twitter*