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Well, the year is about to end. What a year it's been too, huh? I'd like to look back on it a little here.

In January, right before Corona became a global pandemic was about to hit our little planet, I lost my job. Well..... I lost it in February, but the news broke earlier. I started thinking what my future might look like.

I started looking for freelance artist gigs, but within weeks, Corona had conquered the world, and..... it didn't let up. The only thing that kept going, and got better was.... Patreon.

You guys are the reason my year wasn't as bad as it was for many others. You guys rock, and I love you all for saving me! Thank you soooooo much for your continued support!!! 

2020 was the busiest year I ever had in terms of drawing. Not just on Patreon, I've been doing personal projects as well.
And yet, I don't feel like I accomplished much. Lots and lots of isolated drawings, not amounting to anything substantial, or so it feels like to me. I regret that, and it makes me feel a little useless. But I know you all enjoyed it, so it was worth it.

Then last October, my year went to shit, and ruined the year. A close family member passed away, and I got sick with Corona myself. It set my work back a month, and I'm still dealing with the effects from that. My health is completely back to normal, but it left its marks on my determination and confidence. 

December has been good. I've gotten back into regular drawing, and I'm happy with my art again. So now it's time to look forward.

2021 will have to be the year that determines my future. I've had backup funds for the last months, but that's going to run out next year. I'll have to find a new job, make a full living out of drawing, or..... yes, or. I don't know what that means. I don't know what else there is. 

This worries me, but not very much just yet. For now, I'm planning on expanding my art here on Patreon. I'll also want to make some changes. What changes? I don't know yet, but for one thing, I'm opening a Twitter account tomorrow.
Another thing I have high on my priority is getting back into full swing in doing Under Lock & Key. That's been dormant for faaaaaar too long! 

Now here's the big question: What would YOU like to see changed around here? What would make YOUR experience of browsing my art better? How can I be a better artist for you guys? 

It's 5:40 PM right here now. A little over 6 hours left in this year. For those interested, I'm in diapers at the moment myself, and will usher in the new year that way. ^_^
I hope all of you follow your dreams next year. I hope you can all enjoy those dreams in good health. I hope next year will be better than this year was, for all of us. 

A happy new year to all of you loyal patrons from me! 

Hugs and kisses, Hof



I didn't realize you lost you job at the beginning of the year, after finding that out I am very glad I subscribed to you as I have always enjoyed your artwork and I am happy to have made things a tiny bit easier. I wanted to wish you the best of good luck figuring out where you want to go with your future career.


Yah this year has been a roller coaster without any seatbelts xD but I know your a very strong person and made it thru <3 as for things to change? I can't think of anything since I love how things are now! But if anything, I love hearing how ur doing! I think I may pad up for new years too ^^ huggies and kissys back


I hope you enjoyed yourself last night, and I hope 2021 is a more constantly great year for you. 😀


More stories 😍


Happy New Year, Hof! Great to hear you rang in the new year with a padded backside. :) I've really been enjoying your sketches, and really, everything you've posted. I found you because of Lock & Key, and of course, I want to see more of that, but honestly, that's not why I'm still here. I really enjoy your work, and I'm happy to see whatever you produce. I think that more collaborations could be interesting. Other artists, authors, etc. I know this can be tough, but when it clicks, it's amazing. I know that Lock & Key has been a love/hate thing for you, so I wouldn't ask you to push yourself on it any harder than you're happy with. Just keep chasing your muse, and I'll be happy to be along for the ride. :)


Thanks so much! This is a well thought out response, and I'm very happy to read your thoughts! :-) Collabs are fun, indeed. I do them all the time, really. I work with my friend Lelaya a lot. The Sierra covers were collabs with Hadalis, and Lock & Key is of course with Peculiar Changeling, as was The Product Tester.


Sorry, I didn't really mean that you hated it. Just that it had been a source of stress, and I didn't feel like you should force yourself to work on it just because you felt obligated to deliver anything on a timeline. As to the collabs... I was referring to more collabs with, perhaps, different folks. I really like the ones you've done so far, especially L&K, and the Product Tester. I was also thinking about RosieBRS and her collabs with Akira, and others. I just really enjoy seeing how two artists can compliment and inspire each other. Honestly, I consider the L&K collaboration one of the best I have seen. I can't wait to see what you do in the future. :)


Gotcha, thanks for clarifying! ^_^ I'll think about it, and I'll see about what I can do about it. :-)