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Well, it's the 1st of a new month. Time to fill you guys in on what's gonna happen this month.

New tier
The first thing is already in effect: A new tier was added. It's worth $55 dollars, and it will get you a full color drawing for every month you sign up.
Sadly, right now, I only have room for 2 slots.... aaaaaand they're both already taken.
This WILL change. I wanna build this up to 5 slots, at least, but it will not be at once. I'm hoping to open up 2 new slots on June 1, if not sooner (depends on how fast I'll rush through this month's workload). I will keep you guys up to date on my plans, BEFORE I will put them into motion.

Sketch Request Stream
I will NOT be streaming this weekend. I have something going on that prevents me from doing so. In any case, I won't have too many requests in yet anyway, so....
Speaking of which....

How to let me know about your request...
If you're a $10 dollar or higher patron, you'll be needing to fill me in on your requests.
However, I have devised a new method of doing so, which I hope will be faster for you guys, AND for me.
I will be sending out messages detailing this tomorrow.

That's all for now. Thank you, everyone, for your continued support, and thank you as well, new supporters!
Something I don't think I've really communicated to you guys properly:
I'm currently aiming to make Patreon my full time income. This past month has been a record breaking month for me, and you guys can't believe how honored and blessed I feel.
I'm not making enough yet to make a full living, but I am confident in getting there, and it will be thanks to you guys. You guys rock my world. ^_^ 


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