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I did a lot of experimenting with this one. Learned some new tricks. It was fun to work on! :-) 

The concept that began this drawing was just a petite Domme having a tall submissive. 

I wrote a story to go along with the pic, so here goes:


Ayanna and Julie grew up in the same neighbourhood, and played together as children quite often. But a lack of common interests drove the girls apart as they each started attending different universities. Until two months ago (has it really been only two months?), when Julie bumped into Ayanna out on the street. They had a really fun talk, and decided to have a drink together. 

From the very first, Ayanna had taken the lead, deciding which cafe they'd visit. Julie was fine with it. She was an easy-going girl, always had been. In fact, when they'd been children, Ayanna had bossed Julie around all the time anyway. It felt nostalgic for her to be doing so again. It felt.... right.

But as the weeks progressed, Ayanna began to take more and more decisions. She had even taken to ordering Julie's cappucino's, even though Julie preferred decaf.

Things had spiralled, and Julie had found Ayanna's force of will irrisistable. And now, here she was. A fat gag in her mouth, hidden by a neck corset that covered her mouth, denying Julie the ability to speak. She hadn't even protested when Ayanna put it on her....

Her hands were kept tightly together by a pouch and cuffs, which were attached to the big ring on her neck. When Ayanna clipped the leash on the ring as well, and started leading her out of the safety of her own home, Julie had started to panic, but Ayanna had been firm, a small, reassuring smile always on her face.

Now she found herself lead into a room bursting with people, all there to celebrate Ayanna's 21st birthday. The petite African-American girl beamed as she strode towards her parents, Julie in tow. Ayanna's parents didn't seem disturbed, but most other people in the room were. Some were even shocked, but to Jullie's horror, some looked on appreciatively. Julie's heart sank as she noticed the utter amazement on the face of the man she had not expected to see at this party, although in hindsight, it made sense. After all, Ayanna's dad had for years now been a close business associate of her own father...




Oooo that's a fantastic piece. Great work Hoffy! ^^