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Hello everyone, first I would like to say welcome to the new patrons and thank everyone here for the support. Its been very helpful and means a lot.

In other news, there will be changes made as of 10/25/22 and will carry on onwards until further notice.

1. There is now a new tier called the S tier. S tier offers everything A tier does along with the unique benefit of having access to past works. This includes comic chapters that were in production in previous months. HOWEVER, once the comic is on sale in Gumroad, S tiers will no longer have access to the chapters of that comic so please be sure to save them. You will be given a month AFTER the month the comic finished to save it before it gets sold in Gumroad. To those I have given access to past works before are fine and safe. I simply wish to let you know that starting November, I will only give access to the month you sub in. If you wish to get an October reward when subbing in November, you must be in the S tier.

This change has been made since I am now making comics and comics take up a lot of time for production. It would be impossible to do in a month alone and it raises the concern to how new patrons would get access to past chapters and how to make it fair for those who subbed on the month of its debut and launch since they would be paying more. With this issue in mind, through S tier, patrons can now access past works and chapters of the comic. 

AGAIN, in the event a comic is finished, the comic will be released for sale in Gumroad which is one month AFTER the month it finished. Once it is on sale for Gumroad, S tiers will no longer have access to the comic. Keep this in mind future S tiers! This policy ONLY affects big comic projects like the Ging x Killua Comic: Nirvana. This does NOT include the monthly short comic sets and illustrations of past months like the Asuma x Kiba. Those are safe and will still be available for all of S tiers to enjoy.

2. Sets and Line ups for the month will now be publicly shown and advertised to make the patrons and future patrons know what to expect for the month. Keep in mind there will likely be more extra content that are not announced in the advertisement and promo post to make it so there will be fun surprises.

3. The artist poll will only be held if I deem it necessary or if I wish to get an opinion on a subject matter. The patron's poll however is always monthly rest assured. The patrons poll will also be conducted much early to ensure a more prompt production of the set.

4. Starting November, I will be doing suggestions of the month. Keep in mind, I reserve the right to execute the idea in the way I see most fitting so I cannot promise that I will do the idea exactly how you want or suggested.

If you have any concerns or questions, do let me know!


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