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Hi, all!

Usually I post something on the final night of the year, but I didn't want to do back-to-back posts and spam your email. That, and I may have been in bed by 9 pm after being busy all damned day. I don't remember the last time I rung in the new year by actually staying up late to watch the ball drop.

(And yes I'm aware you can watch the drop in advance, I find them boring)

Anyway, I thought I would take a moment to recognize some victories from last year and talk about what's coming up in 2024! I actually sat down a few days ago and wondered "What sort of goals should I set for 2024 as a writer?" The key to making a good goal is to give yourself something measurable. So goal #1 for me was "I will sell 10k books in 2024!"

But before coming on here and posting such a ludcirous goal, I realized I should probably see how many books I actually sold in 2023. So here are some numbers for you!

(Note: I have books for sale outside of Amazon and they only make two figure a month, so I didn't bother looking up any of that data because it wouldn't shift the data much)


Alright, so setting a goal of 10k for books sold would be like saying "I will workout less next year." For anyone curious, the 25 books include the different editions of books.

Books Released

Including collabs, I put out 8 books last year and 1 audiobook. Audiobooks was a tricky topic this year because I was forced to rebrand due to Amber's schedule. We would still be waiting for Wardrobe to release based on prior data, but I pivoted and now Books 1-4 have been re-recorded and released with Books 5 & 6 scheduled for recording in the next couple of months.


For anyone curious what this means, any book enrolled in Kindle Unlimited (so all my collabs with Virgil and Ai), Amazon pays out based on how many pages people read each month. It's usually a fraction of a cent per page, so this number is slightly meaningless. However, you should know that authors typically get excited if they exceed a million a month, and that's exactly what the average here translates into!

So What Comes Next

Standing at the start of the New Year, I'm typically hesitant to share what I'm planning. Part of this is superstition, but another part of it is realistic thinking. I hate promising something and then having the project go belly up. For example, I almost announced at the start of last year that we were going to get all the audiobooks caught up by Christmas. Naturally, this didn't happen the way we thought it did. There's the cancelled LoHK light novel, a potential comic, etc. I've had so many failed projects that it's not even funny!


Master Class 4 is officially in full swing and Succubus Summoner 3 is nearly done. Virgil and I have spoken at length regarding what we may work on next, but he's in the middle of a bunch of books right now, so we chose to focus on the projects we're actually working on. Expect news on release dates in the months ahead.

I've also got a secret project with another author that is nearing completion. You will hear more about this in February, most likely, so stay tuned on that. This will naturally be a Kindle Unlimited release.

As for my own titles, Book 7 will probably release later this year, I just don't know when yet, seeing as I haven't finished writing it! I'm really hoping to hit two chapters a month again, but part of that depends on my wrist and how well it has healed.


We will be seeing more artwork here on Patreon! Throughout last year, I have been working with my virtual assistant Ripley to help me stay on top of things, and they will now be assisting me with art related endeavors. Ripley gets to do the back and forth with artists now, which gives me far more time to focus on creating my own content. So if you ever spot them on the Discord, feel free to say hi! They will also let you know if a giveaway is happening in my discord channel or the RGP channel.

Also, we are trying HFHM comics for a little bit, so expect to see another one of those very soon!

I'm afraid that's all I can think of for the moment. So getting back to my original statement about goals, I guess I'm going for:

30k books sold

20 million pages read

10 Books released

Happy New Year's, everybody! It's officially the Year of the Dragon!!!



michigan man

i'd love to buy the books for my collection, but when i go to wetleaf every thing is out of stock..are you going to republish soon?


What is the pink striped thing on her a$$?


She just took those pants from the laundry, and that is a pair of underwear that decided to tag along for the ride she hasn't noticed yet.