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Hi, all!

Okay, let's get this first order of business out of the way!

Rewards: I have sent out the official Patreon rewards. For those who are new, these are freebies you can get from me as you accumulate pledges over time. This process is not automated, so if you think I missed you, comment below. Messaging me triples the time it takes to figure out if I missed you and I might not see it for weeks.

And now for the NEWS!

If you haven't yet, please take a look at the attached image and just soak it in. I may even print it out, blend it up, and add it to my next bath with some essential oils. For those who aren't sure what they are looking at, this is a top ten screenshot from Audible in the New Releases in Erotic Sci-fi/Fantasy category.

Underworld is in the #1 spot. Wardrobe is in third, Home, is in 4th, and Labyrinth is in 6th.

I may have written these books, but this is all on you. An author can only be as good as their readers, and you guys are amazing! Your dedication, support, and enthusiasm has gotten me to this point, and it feels so good to finally stand on top of yet another mountain to breath the sweet, clean air of success. I couldn't have done this without you all, hard stop. If you hadn't taken a chance on me, I would likely be working (shudder) retail right now.

The Publisher's Pack from October occupied this spot for some time. I don't know how much these books are making right now, but when Royal Guard let me know what my next royalty payment was gonna be, I almost cried tears of joy. I finally felt like I had cleared a major hurdle and undid some of the mistakes I made on the way to get here. So we can all take this moment to take some selfies and drink some water, because in about five minutes, I'm going to climb the next mountain I see because it goes even higher than this one!


Some of you on my Discord are familiar with this already, but the haremlit reddit sub started a poll that asked which authors would be best for new haremlit readers. I was part of the author pool and have already sown chaos by asking the Discord channel to vote for me (or anyone else they like, really). If I am in the top ten, I will be immortalized in the reddit sub with a link to Master Class, most likely. It's essentially free advertising forever (or for a year, I'm a little fuzzy on the details", but I can't do it without your help! There's no sign-ups needed, you just click the link, vote for your favorite authors (you can vote for ten), and hopefully I beat that bitch Virgil. I am currently in second place behind Bruce Sentar, and he's gonna be a tough one to beat. There are some big names down below, but I don't know if they've caught on that they're in the poll yet.


If I break 500 votes, I'll make you all something fun. If I somehow win the poll, I will laugh maniacally while marinating in a bathtub full of shredded Audible screenshots, and then make you something after that.

Other Stuff

Book 5 might be recording currently, but don't hold me to that. I have a couple of surprises in store for the months ahead, but I'm not ready to say much more about it.  You'll probably like it.

Anyway, I literally hit a mental wall on whatever else I was going to put here. Did you know I pretty much treat this space like my diary sometimes? I've written so many of these posts while lying in bed, then simply close up my laptop and go to sleep for the night. But for the first time in a really long time, despite forgetting most of what I wanted to tell you, I do want to say this:

 I'm feeling very proud of myself. I feel...accomplished.

Much love to all of you. Thank you for believing.




Voted. Could you by any chance check where I stand with rewards. I think I may have gotten them all, not sure.


7 days 3 hour left on the poll. Miss Annabelle is up 54. 446 to 392.