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Hi, all!

So I missed my Patreon anniversary by a few days, but no big deal. Anyway, six years and one day ago, I published HFHM Chapter 1 on Literotica. What came next was an insane couple of months where I thought "Holy shit, this worked somehow!"

Anyway, here is a screenshot of where it sits today:

That opening chapter sat dormant on my computer for so many days before I had the guts to finish it up and publish it. There are many of you still here from those early days, and I am honored that you have remained supportive all this time. It's the little chapter that could, and over a hundred and five chapters later, the story still stands.

I wish I had some fun numbers or statistics to share with you regarding the journey, but I simply don't. I grew up struggling to acknowledge any sort of success, so to see so many people buy in to this story  was not just a treat, but an honor. I've had my head down this last month, writing, scheming, and drinking coffee. You see, after six years of hard work and dedication, I will finally be entering the next stage of a writer's life:


Toward the end of September, I will walk away from writing in my car between appointments, typing on the kitchen counter while cooking dinner, or staying up late in bed to try and get out another thousand words. I've cleaned off my desk for the first time in almost 8 months because I actually had a chance to do something other than write without feeling like a stress ball squeezed to the limit.

This wouldn't have been possible without my patrons. I've been walking a perilous balancing act for the last 8 months, but my attempts to break out on Amazon with Master Class last year yielded enough fruit that I have a financial safety net in case either of those numbers slip. That means I will actually have dedicated hours 5 days a week to just write and make things happen, and I am absolutely hoping it shows in my writing.

The current plan is to continue with my two chapters a month on Patreon and expand my Amazon empire. Regardless of what comes next for me, this page was always intended to be something special for you guys, and the chapters I post will migrate to the free sites. I see no reason to change that.

As for new stories on the horizon, I have picked a couple to test the waters with, but have some old stuff I need to wrap up first.

I really wanted to say something deeply profound here, but I am once again at the limits of consciousness and intend to go to bed. So I will make sure to say the one thing that matters most.

Thank You for Believing

I couldn't have done this without you all. I'll do my best to make you proud.



Glad to see you'll be writing more, I found you on lit and you got me back into reading fiction; your work is amazing and I can't wait to see what comes next


I have always been a believer in you.


Hi. Congratulations on six years (and a couple of weeks).