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Hi, all!

I have ten minutes free, so let's talk about what's going on!

August is literally just around the corner, so I've got some news to share as we slip into the final days of Summer.

Book 5

Radley's Apocalypse is with the editor and is supposed to come back to me later in the month. After that will be some quick line edits to make sure we didn't screw anything up, and then that hefty chonker will be up on Amazon for sale!

Bundle Packs

Over on WetLeafPress.com, we have some bundle packs of hardcovers that consist of the current HFHM hardcovers (Home thru Underworld). We also have some solitary Underworld copies for those looking to complete their sets. I also want people to know about our special Ugly versions of Book 1. Short version, they're printed crooked and HG won't sell them at a normal price. Instead, we discounted the fuck out of them and you can get an ugly copy for super cheap! 


To catch everyone up on what's happening, we pulled the HFHM audiobooks from the internet after signing a deal with Royal Guard Press to help us re-record and produce the HFHM series using dual narration. There were some delays, but I believe that the new version of book 1 and book 2 are going to launch next month. More on what that entails, but book 3 is currently being recorded!

Book 6

Will be sent to the editor in the next month or so. The fall months are usually easier for me, so I intend to take full advantage of it. Once my days are free to pursue my writing desires (Sept, most likely) then I can shift into overdrive and play catch up on, well everything.

Master Class and Succubus Summoner

These continue to sell well enough on Amazon. If you have read them, please at least leave some anonymous 5 star reviews to help us combat some of the random low stars that keep getting dumped on us. Master Class 2 audiobook should launch real soon, and even though Succubus Summoner 2 isn't out yet, the audiobook is being recorded already.

Paperbacks for Book 4

Due to quality issues and my inability to locate an artist, we are still working on this. The intention is to replace the artwork on the first 3 books so that everything syncs up. That means anyone who has the current paperbacks is holding collector's editions which will command at least fifty cents at a garage sale! (I'm only half kidding, if you're brave enough to garage sale your HFHM books, you're a more courageous person than I am)

Okay, that's all, time to go be a good little writer and figure out what the heck happens next!



Thanks for keeping us posted, it is appreciated.


I think that even if Annabelle were twins, they would both be busy, ... she gets so much done each month, ... ;-) ttfn


Ha, I can see it now. Have a garage sale with an adults only section. Get some serious glares from some neighbors, but maybe a few interesting looks too 😁. Never know when one might find a succubus hiding out in the neighborhood.


Anyways, is there news about Master Class 4?