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Hi, all!

I am still working on all of this, so apologies that I've fallen behind. You know the rules, you vote for best scene, and it goes in the Special Edition.

Dana Spunked to Life;

Looking at her, he had to agree. She had consumed his cum many times, but this was the first time he had used his magic. Not only was Dana's skin the healthy glow of a living woman, but she looked winded from the effort.

"Oh my god, I'm alive!" Tears formed in the corners of her eyes, and she held up her hands to look at them. "I can feel my heart beating, and oh my god, so many emotions, I'm actually—" Her eyes crossed for a second and her head twitched to one side. Her whole body spasmed for about ten seconds and Mike realized she was suffering a seizure.

"Holy shit, Dana!" He held her on the bed, and wondered if he needed to do something to keep her from biting her tongue. Eventually, the seizure faded, and she opened her eyes, her gaze meeting his.

Meet Quetzali;

"I can't control it anymore," she whispered.

The horn was glowing white-hot now, and Dana felt the hair on her body rise up as if she had been hooked to a Van De Graaf generator. It was the static field from before, and she could feel the energy building rapidly.

She sprinted down the stairs just before a lightning bolt blasted free of the horn, the explosive force pushing her face down into the yard and ripping a hole in the recently patched porch roof, showering the yard with ice and snow. A surge of electrical energy crackled around the newcomer, and lightning cascaded across the yard and roof. The thunder was deafening, and Abella fell to the ground clutching her head, leaving Yuki to face off against the woman in the portal alone.

Fairie Queen Attack;

Yuki spun around, her green eyes glowing with power as she summoned her magic into a frosty mist before her, her full attention on where the shed had been. Dana looked to see a figure with long, blonde curls and translucent wings silhouetted by a bright light standing in what was left of the portal.

Even in her dazed state, Dana felt a sudden rush of arousal at the sound followed by a strong desire to follow it. It was coming from the silhouetted figure—who disappeared in a flash of light. The rear wall of the shed fell apart, causing the portal to pop out of existence.

The silence was piercing.

Across the yard, she could see the others as they stumbled about, clearly disoriented. Bits of wood, ice, and roofing rained down on the yard.

If there's a tie, I'll flip a coin. And yes, Alice, I'll find a three-sided coin.



Someone hasn't played enough D&D. You just use a 6-sided die and use two numbers as one, another two as two, and the last two as 3. Just teasing, but it works. All great, but I'm in need of happy endings at the moment, so I'm going with the first.


I don't think you're going to need that coin...