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Hi, all!

This is brief, I just wanted everybody to know that I finished going through the Hall of Caretaker post from December and updated everybody. I will be deleting that page on Feb 1st, so make sure I got you!

Just a couple of things to mention to those of you who signed up:

1. Getting on the Wall means hitting $25 in total pledges. There were a few of you who weren't there yet, which is totally okay, but that brings me to 

2. I have no way to keep track of you. If you signed up to be on the Hall 2 years ago and are mad that I haven't updated your position, that's never how this process worked. I have no automated way to keep track of where everybody is. Doing so would add a few hours to each month as I meticulously dug through over a thousand of you to track down your individual pledges. That's why I only do these updates a couple times a year, but it means checking in with me to let me know. The thirty seconds it takes you to comment in those threads saves me 5-10 minutes apiece.

If you're someone who has been around awhile, you can always message me about moving up, I have zero problem with that. Every now and then, someone will say "Hey, I should be at X, can you please move me?" Easy peasy. However, I did take offense to a couple of recent, very snarky messages from people who realized after signing up 3 years ago that I haven't been moving them up automatically. To reiterate, I literally have no way of automating this. Tried to do it when only fifty people were on the Hall in the very beginning, took me 2 hours to do! It's just like the award system, I have to do it all by hand. If the Hall is important to you, watch for these posts or just message me nicely and I can put you where you deserve to be.

Okay, no more talk of the Hall. Next Hall post in (maybe) early Summer!

D&H is coming along, and I hope to squeeze it in at the end of the month. I'm afraid this chapter won't have art either, but we will be returning to regular chapter art next month. I ran into a few IRL situations this month that required my time and attention.

Work has started on Master Class 2. Virgil and I will be writing that in February, and I hope for an April release.

Last of Her Kind Audiobook is nearly done after nearly a year. So hopefully that will come soon.

Radley's Underworld will be available for pre-order soon enough, so watch for that!

I have to go now, cause I just saw what time it is! Stay awesome!



Looking forward to more of the Radley home as well! 100 chapters is quite a feat!


So just to understand clearly, the caretakers hall is based on the sum of pledges i have made supporting your work that are posted ( published) via Patreon? If so, if i were to provided a list of transactions and dates with summaries ,it would greatly speed the approval and placement process. Finally what would be the best way to give you the data( excel, word,picture)?

Annabelle Hawthorne

It is the sum of pledges. And no proof is needed, because I can just hover over a name and see total pledges. That's why I tell people to comment on the Hall thread, easy peasy