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Hi, all!

What the fuck was this month even? It felt equivalent to trying to jump into a moving car, but never quite getting a grip on the interior as my feet kicked up dirt and gravel behind me. By the time I was inside the car, there was so little time left in the month, I just couldn't get it all done.

This month's chapter got phenomenal comments from so many of you, and I appreciate it. I have a lot of people who simply never say anything, and I will be 100% honest and say that I was worried that chapter was hot garbage. Imposter Syndrome sets in hard sometimes, and I literally posted it with the mindset of "Well, if they hate it, I'll have to try way harder next time."

Speaking of chapters, I did not get another chapter out this month. It is almost ready for beta readers, but some IRL circumstances completely destroyed my writing time. That's just how shit goes. But I do have some news!

1. Dead and Horny official release is coming. The book has been pseudo-formatted, and I am in the process of acquiring cover art. This book (last I checked) is still the reigning champ over on Lit for all time score in Nonhuman, which I'm very proud of. I am hoping to avoid further delays in writing the sequel, because I'm a little tired of how slow my progress is. I just have so many stories I want to get out, and not enough time in the day. It will get better in a couple of months, but yikes, I'm a little grumpy about it.

2. Radley's Underworld for Horny Monsters was returned to me last night, meaning developmental edits are done. If I was a full-timer, I would have that shit back to Lyss by the end of next week. But I'm not. It is a huge priority for me, because I need more books on Amazon for people to become addicted to.

3. Secret Project #1 was supposed to be unveiled this month, but in true Annabelle fashion, it has been delayed. That's okay, because I have news about its sibling!

4. Secret Project #2 has also been delayed! I didn't say it was good news.

5. The Redbubble Store has a new Frosty Bitch sticker for anyone who wants to take Jack Frost home. When I started ordering chapter art, I paid a little extra for commercial rights just in case I was slacking off and wanted to make stickers or whatever. We just won't mention all of the characters who don't have any stickers yet :P


6. Secret Project #3 is right on time. If my calculations are correct, you will hear about this sometime next month. This one will be quite the surprise, I assure you.

7. We hit a thousand Patrons! This is very exciting, but I typically lose about fifty of you at the start of every month, so I look forward to hitting this goal again and again like a fat kid unsupervised at a buffet. Awful lot of people who sign up with cards that magically decline at the start of the month (if you catch my drift) so that's just how the good times roll. 

Just a reminder that if you ever drop in later on and think "Oh, shit, my card got declined four months ago!" you only get charged for the posts you declined on, not the whole four months. So for those of you who had a decline over a year ago, I promise you're not gonna get charged a million dollars (or whatever). You can come back and look at all the pretty art, get yourself a pretty color on the Discord page, etc.

Yep, that's it. I'm gonna go make myself a drink and try to knock out a few more lines of Dead and Horny goodness before going to the Dreamscape where I can dream about a shit job I had over a decade ago because dreams about middle school no longer sufficiently haunt me.



Hugh Peeble

Annabelle, Your writing is so good I outted myself as a smut reader to multiple friends letting them know how good your storytelling is so there is no way you are an impostor. This latest chapter solidified my judgement and can’t wait for them to catch up in your stories so I can see their reactions.


NOT an imposter! You're coming up on ! 5 ! years since you posted chapter 1 on lit. You've sold a bunch of titles in the largest book store! At least a thousand jamokes thought enough of your writing to dig into their pockets to sponsor you on Patreon. Go you!