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Hi, all!

Okay, easy thing first! I just sent out rewards through the Patreon messaging system. Check your inbox to collect your yum yums. If you think I missed you, please comment below (don't DM me) and I can check and get you sorted. For those who don't know, the process involves me going through a list of almost a thousand of you and trying to figure out who rolled over to the next tier. Mistakes will be made.

And now for the news!

1. I've been a little absent on here lately because I've been busier than a one-legged man in an ass kicking contest. That's not just a funny saying, because the key to winning when you only have one leg is momentum. Right now, I am pulled in so many directions that I have been pouring almost all of my energy into the most important part, which is keeping the stories going.

I had a surreal moment the other night when I spent over an hour putting together reference materials to order artwork from three separate artists for Caretaker awards, Ch. 93, and a sexy pin-up from Kat. Art was on the Must-Do list, and I promptly dove into sinking another thousand words into 93 when I was done before crawling into bed and sleeping the rest of the damned. The idea that I needed to have more artists just to keep up with my own output is awesome in its own right. I love how far I've come, but I still have further to go.

Life gets busy, and you all (and this story) are a very important part of it. I at least want you to know that no matter how much I'm around, I really am giving you the best I can at all moments. Other than dropping into the Discord channel to say hi or see what everyone is up to, I am continuously at work on HFHM projects. 

When things get busy and I'm falling behind, I always put what energy I have left into the story. So if you've messaged me in the last month and I've been absent, it's because I left your message on Unread so I can find it and look at it later. I know I need to update Hall of Caretakers again, and will try to do an official post on that in August.

So what the heck have I been working on?

2. Dead and Horny is officially done. The official title is Dangerous Appetites and the series will be called Dead Girl Problems. I have included a screenshot of our warning page:

I still need to order cover art for this, but haven't decided yet what should go on it. Once I have cover art, pre-orders will begin on Amazon. Will be available in paperback and hardcover.

3. So this is a frustrating bit of news, because I don't have enough to share with you guys. I have no fewer than FOUR secret projects in the works. I could just tell you what they are, but that would ruin the surprise. If everything shakes out like I want it to, the last couple months of this year will be pretty exciting around here.

4. For those who missed it, Book Four is officially in editing. Rumor has it that I will get it back by month's end. I am striving to be much faster with publishing, because I am trying to increase my Amazon presence and I need more books out to make that happen.

5. I actually had something to go here but forgot what it was. Time for my next caffeine infusion.

Anyway, next chapter is hopefully coming soon with accompanying artwork. I am planning to start doing polls again to pick artwork for Book 4 Special edition, but my list is a mile long. I hope you deviants have a fantastic week and I'll see you again soon!