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Hi all!

Okay, so this isn't your typical poll for reasons which will make sense soon enough!

We are getting ready to put in an order for Radley's Wardrobe on Audiobook, but I wanted to hear some thoughts and opinions from people who have actually listened to the first two audiobooks.

We have a few options with how we could proceed, and I just want to hear what you all think. I'm opening the poll to anyone who has listened to the audiobooks because I want to hear from my audiophiles out there.

The reason for these options are as follows:

1. Main complaint I've gotten about audiobook is Amber's man voices

2. Cast of characters keeps expanding

The options are below, and I will only expand on Dual Narration a bit. If you choose this, it means you will hear a man's voice during Mike's Point of View, save for when a woman is talking, which means a good chunk of future books will be read by a male VA instead of Amber.

Think hard on this, because whatever we choose is how we will proceed for future HFHM audiobooks. Typically you don't want to change narrative styles, but I do worry a bit about Amber having to manage over forty distinctive voices down the road. The results here aren't set in stone, because this also depends on what Amber is willing to do for us.



Voted for Amber to do it all. I get why people dislike Amber's male voice, I don't mind it though. I'd be more concerned that you end up with a male voice I dislike. TBH I'd leave it up to you & Amber to decide if it's too many voices for her to do.


I like the idea of Amber doing narration as it is from a 3rd party perspective and makes sense for her to keep that continuity but being as you will have more male voices coming up it would be good to have them done by a male. I would also like to see Amber do as many female voices as she can but it may become overwhelming and also another person would help the female voice diversity. As someone who does hear the voices as I read it would be great to have a wider range in them.


Amber’s voice is amazing. The way she voices the different characters, even Mike, are just the way I imagined them when I read your books for the first time. I vote to let her do it all.


I love the way amber brings all the characters to life, but I do think she will begin to struggle with the ever expanding set of characters. My main problem is at some point they will begin to sound similar. I do however think Amber should continue doing the voice for Mike, as well as continue being the narrator. Having Mikes voice change 3 audiobooks in will also be a bit weird.


To be clear, if you add another voice, it should be another woman who has the same range as Amber. Tess Irondale or Andrea Parsnea, or even Jessica Threet, and Rebecca Woods. Those lovely ladies would be amazing additions to the new voices. Amber can keep doing the ones she already does, and add another good female VA. If you get a man to do the voices and he is a bad fit, it will throw everything into turmoil. If he is a good fit for NEW male voices, then it would enhance things. Ultimately, they are your amazing books, and I just look forward to more of them in audio form.


Initially, I was a little put off with Amber reading the entire book when I heard Book I but then I thought more deeply about it. Virtually all the characters in the story are women. When I heard Book 2 I was used to it and it seemed smooth throughout with Amber doing it all. I have no problem now with Amber doing the entire book now. It just took a little getting use to it. Besides for those guys who like the sexual parts I would think it would be better hearing a woman's voice than some guy.


Bit off the topic but I think I recall Annabelle stating some are complaining about the growing number of characters. I have no problem with it. By bring in new character allows Annabelle to develop more stories. Plus some characters that we met in the past are dimming or have little invovlement now, suchas Zel, Titania, etc.. Hence, some dimish and others appear. Keep it going Annabelle.


On a related note there's a kool documentary on YouTube called "Turning Terry Pratchett's Discworld into audiobooks" that I think you might enjoy.

Jason D

I can't remember did we get the audiobook sent to us or should I go buy it somewhere?


If you hit a certain amount for contributing some of them are rewards

Jason D

Were they emailed out? I'm pretty sure I got it but can't remember. I definitely have the first in audible:)

Annabelle Hawthorne

Check your last set of messages from me. You'll have a bookfunnel link in the hundred dollar pledge section, just beneath Cecilia pics.

Arthvr Dragonsen

I've listened to several audiobooks. Some have multiple narrators while others have just one. Overall, I prefer just the one narrator, even when the sexes are different. Amber has a larger variety of voices than some narrators I've listened to.


I like Amber’s voice. Only one actor limits the play terribly, though. The best audiobook I have heard is “Dune” and has a dozen actors. It’s like listening to a full play or movie, with the interactions of actors giving much more depth to the interactions of the characters than one or even several can. Different actors also helps to recognize the characters. I like the different characters in this universe and enjoy meeting them as they enter the story. I also simultaneously lose track of who they are and their relationships with each other. The handy guide on Annabelle’s website helps quite a bit. I’d like to see more description of relationships in that, as well as exact chapters they appear, allowing me to easily reread the bits I have forgotten details of.


I just finished the 2nd. I can't wait to buy the next one. I really like Ambers voice. She does such a great job, I've never thought about needing another narrator until I saw this post.