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Hi, all!

Wow, what a fucking whirlwind month this has been! Have you ever worked on a project at home, or maybe work, where the hits just kept coming but you were actually having fun? Somehow, you just got shit done at record speed, still had plenty of energy leftover, so pushed the envelope a little bit more?

That's how it's been for me. You may have noticed I posted my second chapter a few days ago. Somehow, the words just flowed for me this month, which is great news, considering I'm  in the middle of so many things!

So here's the scuttlebutt:

Dead and Horny: I am in the copyedit stage (or is it line edits?). I am in the process of going through and making adjustments for flow and grammar. When I'm done, Lyss will give it one final pass and then BAM! Worldwide release!

Labyrinth Audiobook: As of this post, it's entirely possible that we have officially broken even on the audiobook! I am in early talks with Amber about Wardrobe!

Radley's Underworld: is officially undergoing round one of edits. Weighing in at around 240k, this one is extra beefy, so I hope we can get it put out later this year!

Tik Tok: For those of you who are active in the discord channel, you know that the Head Goblin himself created a Tik Tok to promote the Horny Monster series thru BookTok. If none of the last statement makes sense to you, then you're not alone! All you need to know is that somehow it worked, and we got a crazy number of book sales this month, which helped our audiobook sales immensely. Book one actually had best seller status for most of a week, and that was a wild ride for sure.

That's all I have time for today, I hope you all had a great weekend!


Tony Smyth

When I got to the Tiktok heading I thought for a moment you were announcing a new spin-off for our favourite reality folding shape shifter. Then I realised I need to slow down and read properly 😞


I just wanted to say Woo Hoo!!! 🥳




I'm so glad to hear this. I have absolutely loved this little (or massive) journey you've lead us on. I can't wait for more!


Curiouser and curiouser


Yes, and woo hoo!


Congratulations, Annabelle! I’m a new reader from literotica and very happily a new supporter of your thoroughly charming writing. Keep it up!


THANK YOU! always updated, always in the loop and always satisfied with you methods. Your post is,oddly enough, sandwiched between 2 posts from another writer I support who is having trouble keeping us informed at all, so the contrast is almost shocking. I really enjoy and appreciate the NRG you put into chatting with your readership.


TinkTok on BookTok? Sounds great!




Awesome can't wait for the next chapter.