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Hi all!

I'm pulling my face out of my computer screen to grant myself some much needed air and share with you all that's going on in the monster-verse!

I've been busy. Earlier this year, I was struggling to be and stay in a proper headspace. I blame a good chunk of that on seasonal affective disorder, and having the sunshine has really helped. Home improvement projects, fixing the yard, all of these are things that have got me moving around and soaking up that precious ultraviolet light. It's the brief respite before allergy season kicks in full throttle and murders my face.

Anyway, here's the stuff you might care about. (I also have some extra stuff since there are so many new patrons, so some of this is rehash for you.)

Dead and Horny: With the completion of developmental edits, the toughest hurdle is crossed in terms of production. Lyss thinks she will have round two back to me within the week. After I give it one more pass, she will do final corrections and then we will be in business! The Head Goblin is getting ready to order some cover art, so that will be exciting to reveal in short order.

Labyrinth Audiobook: This continues to sell well on Audible. As of this morning, it has sold 750 units on Audible, which is great news for us, because it means we are approaching the break even point! As much as I wish we could move these kind of numbers selling direct, Audible is still our main point of sale for audiobooks (for now), and I love sharing that our investment is paying off.

Artwork: You've got a Santa Lily coming from Kat in the near future. I hope you've enjoyed the chapter art I've been including recently. It takes foresight, extra work, and money to make these happen, and I think it's something I will continue to stick with for the immediate future. The additional art is really a way to demonstrate my gratitude for you guys who support me.

Discord: The Horny Monsters Discord channel is a fun place to hang out with other readers. You would expect it to be a place where deviants gather, and you'd be right! However, it's very much like a second home for me, and has its own cast of characters worth knowing. If you ever want to just chill and chat with me, it's easily the best place to do so. If you ever want to discuss story theories or gush over chapters, it's a pretty sweet place to do it.

Redbubble Store: For those who don't know, this was an experiment I started a couple years back. You can pick up some HFHM merch from there, like stickers and t-shirts. I haven't invested a whole lot of time into it lately, but it's got the ladies from Book One available for adoption, so give it a look! Based on sales alone, Death is the most popular character!

Wet Leaf Press: So a ton of you wanted hardcovers last fall, and now that we got them...they're just kind of sitting there. We have a couple of bundle packs left, as well as some individual books, so pop over there if you're collecting autographed books.

TikTok: With the recent surge of BookTok (yes, this is a thing), I conned the Head Goblin into running a Tik Tok page in order to promote the story. You can catch him attempting be cool as @HughGoblin and his profile pic is everyone's favorite mimic!

Well, shoot, I think that's all I can think of! I'm going to get back to Ch. 91, I hope you all have a fantastic week and that a little bit of joy finds you! You all keep being the coolest readers alive, and I'll catch you next post!


bob lakhanpal

Thank you for the update


You are awesome, I don't say that enough. Sending you hugs and all the extra sunlight I can spare.


Looking forward to add the Dead and Horny hardcover to my collection ^.^ As for the autographed hardcovers, i pretty vocal about wanting them. But unfortunately my country is not on the eligible shipping list….which i don´t understand, Denmark is there, yet Austria isn´t...they are around the corner :D I´m really curious why that's the case. Even though I bought the softcovers...then hardcovers...i would still order the autographed versions if I could.

Annabelle Hawthorne

Every country has to be researched and then hand-coded into the website. There was a program that would auto calculate shipping for us, but they charged monthly to do so. Essentially, we've just been adding countries when someone says "Hey, I want to buy these books!" PM me an address and we can get Austria added to the list!


First and foremost I want to thank you for a wonderfull, kinky, funny, intelligent, surprising and just plane old FUN place to shake off the day- to-day dreary. I really love getting all the updates news, promo/ info. you send our way. THANKS!


I have a question about the bundle packs. Is it the same long distance dedication for each volume or can they be different? Asking for a friend who may be a sexy librarian with a book club.

Annabelle Hawthorne

Honestly, if someone asks for something specific, that's what I write. Otherwise, I do a dedication and then write a generic term, or whatever. I never write the same thing in each book, though. The personalization is either book or person related (if I recognize them from here/Discord/etc)


And they are now out of stock. My own fault


Restocks are coming soon! Keep checking the site and the Discord for updates!