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Who's ready for a chill experience? Wait, why are there so many files?

Edit: New PDF file, looks like old one didn't upload right.




The PDF file name is messed up.


But file names are easy to fix


Same or similar seems to have happened to Jack's GIF. It just registers as '1'

Arthvr Dragonsen

The GIF file doesn't download properly due to the period in the FPS number. Have to rename the file after downloading it for it work.


LOL, all my whining about messed up chapter names and I just realized that I forgot to read it. :) {insert old person joke}

Philip Lemon

Problem seems to be the extra “.” In the file names. Can cause some systems (like Windows) to think that the next 3 characters are the File Extension. It is best to only use Letter, numbers, and “-“ , “_” in file-names.txt Avoiding spaces “ “ is a good idea too. It’s hard to know which computer system will be used to store and/or share file. Sigh

Arthvr Dragonsen

Oh, I know. When I have control over file naming, I Gibbs slap anyone that dares put a period in the name, especially if there are dates. That extra period has caused some serious problems in companies I've worked with in the past. I avoid commas in file names also. Dashes and underscore are only non-alphanumeric allowed.