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Hi all!

Okay, so some end of the month updates. This month kicked my ass but we still have a couple of things to announce!


I am in the finals in the Golden Pigtails!

After the semi-finals, both Radley's Wardrobe and Holiday Hijinks placed 2nd, which means that we still have work to do. If my $1 patrons alone would tag team these awards, I would have it in the bag, so everyone should jump in and see if we can prove monster-lover superiority!

You have to find my books in the Never Enough and Any Excuse For Smut categories. I still have a shot at winning, but the voting period ends on Feb 28th!


As for the Clitorides, I am getting destroyed over there in the book categories, but may have a chance with Author of the Year. Feel free to drop by and leave me a nomination, if only a 1/10th of you did that, it would put me in the top three and eligible for the finals.


Okay, enough about fame and glory, let's move on!

Chapter 86

Will not release this month. If I could write 8k words and have my betas all read it in the next four days, then it could happen. However, 8k words is beyond me right now. I had too much come up last second this month, which ate into my writing time. We did release the audiobook for Radley's Labyrinth earlier this month, but this became a rush to the finish line because someone got access to the g-drive where we stored it and they tried to lock me and Amber out of it. Luckily, the Head Goblin spotted the intrusion right away and bounced the guy out, but there was a definite fear that the rough edits of the book would get leaked before we could release it.

The 4-Book Bundle

I was informed yesterday after literally weeks of delays that our first set of bundled books is in the Head Goblin's hands. We will be setting up international shipping for those, but we will only have ten bundles. We should have ten more in a week or so, and we will try to be more regular about this, but those shipping delays are awful right now!

The plan is to launch the product page this Friday at noon and we expect these to go quick. The bundle is Books 1-3 and LoHK, all in hardcover. Shipping costs will vary drastically, but I think the highest we saw so far was Australia (something like 75 dollars, I believe). The best way to see the shipping cost will be on our website. Obviously, shipping options in the US will be far cheaper, but that's because we can use media mail.

For those who have every book but Wardrobe, we will trickle some of these out on the website at the same time we do the book bundle. These take me quite a bit of time, which is why we don't just do this regularly, but I am trying to make sure that those of you who want them have a chance to get them!


Kat has been working on this month's art, but it's taking longer than usual. Rest assured that it's still coming, as well as the Special Edition of book 3 (which I hope to work on over the next few days).

That's it from me today, I hope you have an awesome weekend planned!



Are you still planning on updating the Hall of Caretakers, as I notice the post and page are still unchanged? https://www.patreon.com/posts/hall-of-update-61425615