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Hi all!

I just sent REWARDS to those of you who have earned them. There've been some changes from the last time I sent them out.

People at the $50 tier now have a link to BookFunnel to download the first audiobook instead of a google drive link). $100 tier will have link to second audiobook. This will free up a ton of space in my G-drive, and your email isn't being tracked or anything (proof below)

(Yeah, I know, I could have doctored that, but you'll see when you do it)

As always, if you think I missed you, comment below. It's not automated, despite years of asking Patreon to put something in the system (seriously, a simple [if X amount, send this message] program shouldn't be that hard, but whatever]

I'm still looking for ero-cosplayers to create a new reward tier, but have put extremely little energy into it. At some point, I may start a deck of playing cards with famous cosplayers who have ghosted me after initial contact. Even though I offer to pay, I'm guessing I just can't compete with selling spicy Genshin Impact pics.

I am still working on the Special Edition of Book 3. Ever since timing went out of whack back in October, I am at the point where I am absolutely stretched to the limit. It's the secret chapter I still need to write, but it's been tough enough just keeping up with my regular posts, much less adding one. It'll happen soon enough, just don't know when.

The audiobook is officially available over on Wet Leaf Press. If you purchased it early and had an issue with Chapter 8, just re-download it. Somehow, BookFunnel only processed the first two minutes of that chapter, but we had no good way of knowing until someone pointed it out. So that sucked.

Newest chapter is coming soon, so stay tuned. We have some fun stuff coming next month, just gotta find some extra energy to keep going!

Until next time,



I'm know I'm above that tier but how do i get access to the audio?


I believe I have passed the threshold for the Labyrinth audiobook. If I am incorrect, I apologize. Thank you