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Hi all!

Okay, got an early update due to some time sensitive issues, so try to read this sooner rather than later.

Awards Season is here

It's award season, folks, and it's time for my fellow monster lovers to step up and prove to the world that the Radley-verse is worth bragging about.


I am up for Author of the Year and Epic Erotic Story of the Year (for Book Five). If I don't get enough nominations, nobody gets to vote on my story. If even 25% of you were to vote for me in the nominations or the finals, we would destroy the competition. (Naturally, this only works if they don't quietly delete me again this year.)

Epic Erotic Story: Book 5 is being nominated

Author of the Year 

Golden Pigtails

So I found out on accident that I was nominated for these. Weird that nobody told me I was in it, but whatever. Apparently there is an actual prize if I win, and based on rumors, I'm not going to make it to the semi-finals with my current nomination level. So here ya go!

The Awards Page 

Holiday Hijinks is under Any Excuse for Some Smut category and Radley's Wardrobe is under Never Enough for the harem category.

Tell me about this free book

This year, a major focus of Wet Leaf Press is increasing my presence on the book circuit. We've got good momentum, but even a month where I only publish one chapter actually causes my online sales there to lag (I'm sure someone smarter than me can explain it). The Head Goblin himself hired me a personal assistant to set up book promotions and swaps with other authors.

Some of these authors may have high visibility and introduce Radley and the girls to a more mainstream audience. Any of you who are on my mailing list or Discord have seen me do this a couple of times already this month. While I don't plan on using Patreon to do these cross promotions, I am going to put the link to today's book in this post so you can sort of see what I'm up to. I plan on only doing promos with authors who touch on similar elements to the Radley-verse, and this won't cost you a cent (the promotion is time limited, so grab a free book now if you want it).

Free Book Button

Audiobook 2

We are really close. Like, so close, that we even have a trailer made for when we have an official release date set. You will be the first to know when it goes live. As a reminder, the book will be live on Wet Leaf Press before anywhere else, but not because we're snobby or anything. The recent rumor is that Audible has a 6 week waiting period for books to get approved, and the Head Goblin will be uploading it everywhere all at once. Selling it through our own website means we get to avoid distribution delays.

Next Chapter

Chapter 85 is coming along nicely, and you should see it long before the end of the month

Okay, so that's all I have time for right now. You will get another update from me later this month about the Hall of Caretakers and semi-finals (etc) for awards if I get through. Thanks for your continued support over the years, I'll keep doing my best to impress you :D



Did my deed. If there actually is a story that deserves a win more than HFHM, i'm not sure if i'm ready to read such a masterpiece.


.5: Yeah, if the PTB's don't delete Annabelle again, she should definitely walk away with the award! ;-) TTFN