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Hi all!

Okay, so rewards were sent. This isn't an automated process, so if I missed you, please comment below so I can get it fixed!

So here's where we are at.

Labyrinth Audiobook: We are so close to done that a trailer has been made and will be released in the near future.

Dead and Horny: In editing

Hardcovers: Okay, so this will likely be a post all its own at some point. The short version is we ordered enough for some bundle packs, and what used to be a couple weeks to get them to us became a month.

Ordering them in bulk saves us money on shipping, and to get them any sooner is horrible. The cost goes from 25 bucks for shipping to (if I remember right) to 150 to get them a week sooner. Could have had them next week for a grand. Prime shipping isn't an option (we know cause we tried, lol)

Due to initial cost to order them, storage, etc. the Head Goblin and I sat down to try and figure out a solution that would help us avoid a month wait between bundle packs. He had some ideas he was going to look into, but anything we set up has to wait until we get that first order of books and can set up the system on our end.

This Year: I've been insanely busy these last couple of months, and hope it changes soon. This year, I am hoping to grow the Amazon side of things to help bring in more readers. Nothing will change for Patreon, you guys will always come first. That being said, if any of you know an erocosplayer who takes commissions, I would love to expand my rewards folder with another character or two, I just got tired of either being ignored or ghosted after the fact. If things had gone my way last year, we would have two more characters in the folder already, but I can only spend so much time looking into that.

I became busy enough that the Head Goblin hired me a virtual assistant to help with some minor stuff that's been falling through the cracks. So I'm a little excited about that, the VA will be helping me set up promotions with other authors!

Okay, if there's any other updates, I forgot them. Feel free to ask questions below or do so on Discord so we can all respond to each other with silly gifs.

Take care of yourselves!



Could you please check my level?


Hello Annabelle, not sure that I deserve any additional reward compared to what I already have but I didn’t got a mail. By the way, I am currently reading book 1 again as special edition is just great, and English not being my native language, I take my time :-)) and sometimes enjoying some nice pictures of our favorite ghost and goblin 😍. Anyway, keep up the great work and bonuses. Yours truly and for a long time to come !!