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Hi all!

In the spirit of giving, I try to have something special for my readers during the holiday season. It doesn't always work out, but this year I have something really special for you.

Now, I have the choice of giving it to you on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day.

If it was up to you, when would you receive your Christmas surprise?


Adain Dywyll

Thanks!! I will now have "I saw mommy f-ing Santa Claus running thru my head, to the appropriate tune, for the next couple of days !!


When I saw mommy f-ing Santa it answered my questions! 😎


I bet mom want even humping Santa. It was probably the new sex-doll her divorced co-workers got her. Lol


Doesn’t matter much to me. Working thru anyway.


Eve would be grand as christmas day dont want you working! :)


Eve is better


So with the current polling results, are we just watching Mom fuck Santa instead?

Nathaniel Wolf

So is the next poll who's mom is being fucked by Santa?