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Hi all!

Just doing a quick check-in before I go back to my crazy AF Sunday.

Rewards will go out later this week. I'm trying to balance weekend craziness with everything else, on top of writing, editing, etc. Kat is almost done with the last piece of art for the special edition, and we will return to new artwork for Patreon!

For those of you who ordered autographed books from Wet Leaf Press, the rest of those are supposed to go out tomorrow. Speaking of autographed books, once Wardrobe releases in Hardcover, the plan is to do a bundle pack with international shipping. Shipping costs start high, and the Head Goblin wanted to make sure that there was value in acquiring multiple books at once.

I want to know how many people here would be interested in purchasing an autographed hardcover bundle (Books 1-3 plus Last of Her Kind). The publisher needs an idea of how many to order to put something together. Price for the bundle would be just north of a hundred bucks before shipping. We will likely do something early January (shipping times/prices are supposed to drop), so fingers crossed December stays calm and quiet!

If you are an international reader, please comment the country you live in so that shipping prices can be researched for that region. 

That's it, I'm off! Be kind to one another, and I hope you have a great week!


Arthvr Dragonsen

I would have said yes if I didn't already own two autographed volumes


.07: Yeah me too David, a bundle wouldn't help me at this point,... but it's a fine idea! ;-) TTFN


Very interested in the bundle, and live in Australia for shipping

bob lakhanpal

I live in India... Could you let me know the shipping cost please?


A bundle does seem like a good idea for those who haven’t purchased any yet. Jolly ol’ England for the shipping.


not up for the bundle but interested in a single autographed book 1, and I also live in Australia for shipping


What David Belnap said.


Ontario, Canada here.


Received my volume two hardcover today. Didn't have Annabelle's self portrait with the one finger salute like volume one. Guess I'll just have to do better next time. I'll definitely order a bundle pack and gift whatever volumes I already have to famous friends. Probably be better received than cat butt coloring books. Not that there's anything wrong with cat butts. Anyway have a merry Christmas and be excellent to each other. Au revoir Gopher


Hell yeah! Can't say no at this point. An incredibly well crafted story for the adults and cat butts for the children at heart.


What if you would buy a book bundle, but simply cannot afford it at this time?


.20: I got my books today, and I did my 'happy dance' !! ;-) TTFN

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-08 08:56:59 I don't know if it's too late, but I'm interested in Autographed Bundles as well. <3
2022-01-09 04:43:22 I don't know if it's too late, but I'm interested in Autographed Bundles as well. <3

I don't know if it's too late, but I'm interested in Autographed Bundles as well. <3