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Hi there, monster lovers!

I just want to take a moment to thank everyone here who made the launch of Radley's Wardrobe a success. For everyone who preordered on Amazon and helped get the word out, thank you very much.

We got SOOOOO close to hitting that coveted number one spot, so I'm hoping we can do it next time. Nearly topped out in a couple of categories, but that's just how it goes.

The good news is that sales were good enough that I am almost halfway to breaking even on the cost of Book 3. Obviously I use money from here to fund that stuff, but it's nice to break even and see pure profit.

So huge thanks to everyone who bought the book and helped push it up the charts, and an even bigger thanks to those of you who have or are planning to leave a written review. At the very least, leave me some stars (no written review needed) as it is a jungle on Amazon and every little bit helps out.

Kat is still working on the artwork for the Special Edition. I think she only has a couple of pieces left (preview attached). Once those are done, I will get the SE put together and put into the rewards folders.

Speaking of projects, I am hard at work on editing the second audiobook. Got several chapters all at once just as Book 3 came out, and I am trying hard to get those done so that Amber can complete that project. Would love to release prior to Christmas, but that's largely not up to me.

Folks, today is a good day for all monster lovers out there. Without you, I couldn't have made everything that has happened, well, happen. I'll continue to bust my ass and put out some great content for you to enjoy as long as you continue to contribute in whatever manner you can. We've got autographed hardcovers coming to the WLP store later this month, so keep your eyes peeled for those.

Okay, back to work!




Thank you for all your hard work Annabelle!


Annabelle, I just noticed, that you are keeping your Literotica "favorites" up to date, unlike so many other Authors who tend to ignore those entries after the first time... you are always going that extra mile for your fanbase; No wonder we all are so bedazzled by you! Keep on doing the incredible job you have been doing... and your fame and fortune will get there... you really are awesome! ;-) TTFN