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Hi all!

Getting some material ready for the inevitable trailer for Radley's Labyrinth: the audiobook (no, it's not releasing soon, lol) and just wanted to share this piece by Kat. There's some great art coming for the Special Edition of Book 3 and I can't wait for you to see it!

Back to writing, see you later!




She is cute


Hey Annabelle, Since Zel is such a wiz at potions, do you think that she could come up with one that would make centaur (not horse) droppings just disappear / turn into a mist or smoke and drift away, all without polluting the roads and walkways about the centaurs village,... cause they'd be a bit of a mess to clean up,.. and all the centaurs wearing diapers might be a little amusing, but I am hopeful you and she can come up with something that will impress Caretaker Mike on his next visit. ;-) TTFN


And I have given up trying to figure a way for the centaurs short arms to reach around to wipe,.. so I figure that are very good at plumbing and have built lot's of ultra strength bidets,.. -- they have barrowed a time-life series home improvement book on plumbing from our favorite little green, Miss Fix-it,.. am I right? ;-) TTFN

J Bone

Great read as always. It sucks Mike can never be at peace. But I'm excited to see what his destiny is. And how powerful he will become. His enemies are very strong, so he will have to get a power boost.


.6: And Maybe, just Maybe, you could make an off hand comment (from Yuki Maybe?) regarding the house (Tinker) getting the entire Time/Life home improvement series during Emily's time as Caretaker, please Maybe!!? And maybe another set for Darren, up in Oregon, a sort of a cabin improvement edition? ;-) TTFN


Horses don't need to wipe.. why would a centaur? I'm confused