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Hi all!

This is your typical "rewards have been sent announcement."

What are rewards? These.

What do you do if you think you didn't get your rewards? Comment Below (do not message me, it's a mess in there). It's not an automated process and mistakes will (and have) been made.

Expect an update in about a week. Ch. 71 is coming along well, so hopefully you will see it soon.



Heya Miss Annabelle. According to my billing history I should be well into Journeyman level but still haven't made it into the Hall. Could you possibly look into that? Thank you please.


A belated thank you for my upgrade,.. it has been a genuine pleasure,.. You work so hard to make certain that all of your fans are royally treated,.. bless you young lady! And may the bird of paradise fly up your nose,.. ;-) TTFN