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Hi all!

This is a quick and easy poll. After a special meeting with my publisher last week, I was wondering about potential interest in selling autographed copies of books.

This would be a special event (not a full-time permanent thing), but before we make any decision, I need to gauge public interest in it. Prices would naturally be higher than through Amazon, cause we can't offer free shipping and we also can't buy ten thousand copies at premium discount prices straight from the printer.

So vote below on which versions you would be most interested in getting a copy of. You can vote more than once, but be realistic (like, what could you actually afford if it was a one-time thing) . Depending on numbers, we may do a very small trial run.

Again, this is just to test the waters and see if anybody is even interested.

For obvious reasons, this poll is open to everybody.



Ohh yes! I liked Tink from the start, but Tink and Kisa together . . . YES PLEASE Katzkin


I'll be buying the ones currently available asap . . . AND will purchase the ones you sign again to treasure!